Dylan (moviekidd826)-Food Fight

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Your best friend in high school, believe it or not, was Dylan O'Brien. You had met him in the beginning of ninth grade after he saved you from getting hit in the face with a dodgeball during P.E. Your friendship had grown into a strong bond between the two of you. Dylan held you when you cried because your 'boyfriend' in tenth grade dumped you for the popular girl. You helped tutor him in math when his grades started slipping. He protected and comforted you when a senior got too touchy for your comfort during  your junior year. You defended him when kids called him 'lame' and a 'dork' for wanting to do what he loved: making humorous videos on YouTube. 

One day after school during your senior year, you and Dylan had decided to film the 'eat it or wear it' challenge at his house. There were 10 bags that you could choose from. Each had one ingredient that you had to have the other person feed you a spoonful of or have half of it poured on you. Dylan's sister, Julia, had agreed to fill the bags with mystery ingredients that were secret to both you and Dylan so that the competition would be fair. Dylan picked the bag marked '4' and emptied its contents. He smirked at you when he discovered it to be sprinkles. He took the large spoon and handed it to you. You dipped it in the container of the rainbow colored happiness and pressed it against his lips. He ate it and laughed in victory. You nervously reached for the bag marked '7' and nearly cried when you found it was relish. You hated relish, and Dylan knew it.

"Take a big ole spoonful of that relish, Y/N," Dylan joked, pushing the spoon to your lips, which were closed tightly. You shook your head and moved from Dylan's hand.

"No, Dyl, I can't eat that," you refused.

"Alright, then, I guess I have no other choice but to pour it on you. Now you'll smell like it," he persuaded. You knew exactly what he was trying to do and you hated that he knew how to get you to cave.

"Fine, I'll  eat it," you sighed, defeated. He smirked, attempting to pry your lips open with the spoon, but you just couldn't do it.

He moved to whisper in your ear, "If you don't eat it this time, I'll make you."

You stiffened and his smirk returned as he continued his pressuring. The spoon full of relish lingered at your lips.

"Open," Dylan demanded. You obeyed and he shoved the whole spoon in your mouth. The sour taste hit your tongue and you cringed as your eyes squeezed shut. Dylan's laughter resounded in the air. He saw you were about to spit it out.

"Swallow it," he pressured.

"I don't wanna," you whined.

"Then I'll have to pour it on you."

Your eyes widened and you forced yourself to swallow. The nasty taste was still on your tongue.

"Ewww Dylan, that was gross!"

"That was freaking hilarious!" he bellowed.

"Fine! Now it's your turn, so go!" you huffed. He grabbed the bag marked '2' and his smirk dropped when he saw what was inside. He reluctantly pulled out the ketchup.

"Oh, no, I don't want a whole spoonful of this," he whined.

You smirked at him, lifting the spoonful of the red condiment to his pink lips. A look of disgust passed over his handsome features.

"Eat up, Dyl," you teased. He reluctantly opened his mouth and you shoved it in. He coughed and sputtered, trying to get the taste off his tongue.

"That was nasty," he winced.

"Not so fun, is it?" you teased.

"Yeah, yeah, let's move on," he pushed.

You and Dylan went back and forth with the next 7 ingredients and decided to do the last bag together. You refused to eat corn from a can, so you wanted to wear it, and Dylan wore half of a can of peas.

"Alright, Dyl, last one," you said, nervous.  He opened the final bag and revealed whipped cream.

"Yes!" you both shouted.

You had a plan to prank Dylan. Once you ate your share, you would feed Dylan and then spray it on his hair and face before running away like your life depends on it. Dylan, once pranked, will return with a vengeance.

"I'll go first," you offered. He agreed and sprayed some onto a spoon and fed you. You did the same for him and commenced your plan. First, you sprayed it on his cheeks and then quickly poured some in his hair. The look of surprise on his face changed into revenge and that was your cue to leave. Dylan stood up and shook his head, throwing some of the cream off and smirked at you.

You sprinted as fast as you could away from him, hopping over the bench that you were sitting on and searching for a hiding place. You settled for the storage closet in his garage. You nestled yourself between two boxes and sat down on the floor.

'Dylan will never find me here,' you thought.  You faintly heard Dylan shout your name, his voice getting louder and clearer as he drew closer.  Your heart started beating faster when you heard him enter the garage, his footsteps growing heavier as he approached the storage closet that you were hiding in. He called out your name and your heart dropped, thinking he heard you breathing. He started walking inside the closet and looked around the boxes, still oblivious to your presence. When he turned his head, he caught a glimpse of your shadow. You thought he was walking out, but he turned last minute and shoved the boxes away and exposed you.

"Found ya!" he chuckled.

"Crap!" you shouted as you tried to run away. He blocked your path and you screamed when he picked you up and hauled you over his shoulder.

"No, no! Dylan, put me down right now!" you demanded, smacking your hands against his back.

"Nope, you're gonna get it for that prank, babe," he teased.

He set you down, his glare keeping you in place, while he picked up the whipped cream, relish, ketchup, and honey. He turned around for a split second and you were gone again. You sprinted across the yard, but he tackled and pinned you to the ground, straddling your waist and began pouring the ingredients all over you.

"No! Dylan! Now I look and smell like trash!" you complained. He took you in his arms.

"Listen, Y/N, you do not look like trash. You smell like it right now, but you are beautiful even if you have garbage all over your hair," he finished with a smile.

"Thanks, Dylan."

"Of course, bestie!" he kissed your cheek, tasting honey and also getting a whiff of the ketchup and relish. He cringed.

"I love you, but you need a shower," he joked.

"Okay, that was fun," you agreed.

"Yeah, it was fun," he said, shutting off the camera and walking towards the house.

"Thanks for inviting me over, Dyl."

"Of course, you're my best friend, which is why I want to ask you something," he trailed off.


"Will you go out with me?"

The question caught you off guard.

"Sure, Dyl. I'd like that," you smiled. He grinned and planted a kiss on your cheek, leading you into the house.

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