Stuart- I'm Emotional, Okay?

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I know this is a Stiles gif but it fit so perfectly. Ok, on with the story!

Today was just the worst day ever for you. Everything that could have possibly gone wrong, went wrong.  Your job at Google was killing you with the amount of projects and pressure, your boyfriend just broke up with you because you couldn't spend time with him because of work, Graham, the stupid intern, yelled at and insulted you, making your day even worse. To top it off, at lunch, you walked into someone and spilled your food all over your favorite grey sweater. The sun, though beautiful, beat down on you, worsening your mood.  Discouraged and distressed, you stood up to throw your food away and walked toward the bathroom.  On your way there, you collided with something, or rather, someone. That someone just happened to be Stuart Twombly, whose eyes were glued to a phone screen. When you crashed into each other, his honey-glazed eyes flitted up to meet yours in shock. His pink lips parted in surprise and his free hand immediately went to your waist to catch you from falling. There was a faint layer of fresh tears lurking at the corners of your eyes as the events of your day overwhelmed you. Stuart's confusion was clearly written on his face at your distraught appearance. Frustrated, you yanked yourself out of his embrace and continued your journey to go cry in the ladies' bathroom or maybe a nap pod. Stuart caught your wrist and spun you around to face him. His eyes, hiding behind a pair of dark-rimmed glasses, burned holes onto your skin as he scanned you over. You noticed his dark blue sweater, a white collared shirt peeking out at the top and sleeves, his khakis, and his signature black converse, uncomfortable with his continuous stare.

"Wh- Hey! Y/N, what's wrong?" Stuart questioned. Your eyes stayed focused on his black converse, refusing to meet his concerned gaze.

Stuart was not affectionate or showed care outright to many people, including you. You had met Stuart the day after you had gotten the job at Google as the Event Coordinator, organizing and scheduling events and important dates for the employees and the company. It was a largely demanding occupation, and it wore you out. Stuart had introduced himself after seeing you at the coffee shop. He was nice, but you didn't see him much because you worked in different parts of the company. The next day, he acted as if he never met you and was exceedingly indifferent towards your advances of friendship. Needless to say, you felt betrayed and refused to talk to him.

You threw your hands up in the air, exasperated, slightly startling Stuart (A/N wow that was a tongue twister..).

"What has gone right?" you shouted, close to tears.

"Woah, hey!" Stuart tried to calm you, his hands coming up to grip your shoulders firmly.  "Let's go over here," Stuart suggested, gesturing to a secluded area under a large tree that provided shade. He set you down on a bench and sat down beside you, waiting for you to talk. When you had composed yourself enough to speak, you sat up straighter and began.

"Today has been the worst day of my life, Stuart. Everything has gone wrong and I can't deal with this anymore!" you ranted, gripping at your hair.

"Hey, everyone has bad days, Y/N. You can't let it ruin your life. Tell me what happened," Stuart said.

"First, my job is killing me! I know that we all have stressful jobs, but I need a break and I can't afford to take one. Then, my boyfriend broke up with me because I have to work all the time. My work doesn't stop at the office, Stuart. I have to keep up with it at home and on holidays, too. All of the projects that I have to do, must be done by this Friday and I-I can't get them done because that means that I have to miss my sister's birthday and she's so sick, that this could be her last," your voice got caught in your throat when you mentioned your sister and you looked at Stuart. His golden eyes looked glossy and his hand hand started rubbing circles on your back, silently comforting you. That spurred you to complete your story.

"And today, gosh I'm going to sound like a child, but Graham insulted me and then ran into me, saying that I have to watch my figure when I was about to head to lunch. My food spilled everywhere and I just threw it all away because there is no way that I'm hungry after that exchange," you paused, gauging Stuart's reaction to everything.  You laughed softly to yourself in disbelief.

"I don't know why I told you this. We're not friends, Stuart. I'm sorry for bothering you," you stood up to leave, but he stopped you.

"I know that we haven't talked in a while; that's my fault. I'm sorry that you're dealing with some difficult stuff, but I'm sure that if you asked Chetty for a day off, that he'd give it to you. You work so hard, and Google would not thrive without you. As for your boyfriend, he's a jerk for not wanting to work around your schedule and lost an amazing lady. You can visit your sister and turn in your projects on Friday," Stuart said.


"Because I'll help you. That's what friends do. They help each other," he smiled.

"And for Graham, he's going to get an earful from me and our boss. That kind of behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated here. You don't have to worry about him anymore," Stuart reassured you, pulling you into a hug.

"Thanks, Stuart. I really appreciate this. I hope we are friends, now?" you asked.

"Just friends?"

"Unless you want to be something more?" you pushed.

"I want to if you want to," he agreed, nervously playing with his fingers.

"I'd like that, Stu," you grinned.

"Great! Well, I'll take you out after you see your sister on Friday if that's cool with you?"

"Why don't you come with me to see her?"


"Thanks, again, Stuart. You're an amazing person."

"You're amazing, too. And beautiful and smart and sweet and-" you cut him off with a kiss, pressing your lips to his.

"That was really good," Stuart blushed.

"Thanks, Stu."

"Of course," he whispered, pulling you in for another kiss.


I just watched The Internship for the first time today! It was really funny! I loved Dylan with glasses bc he is gorgeous and looks super smart. I love itttttttt

Thank you for reading!

Dylan O'Brien and Characters ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora