Trevor-Hey Baby

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You were new at this school and so far did not have any friends. You had hoped to make at least one friend on your first day, but it was the last class of the day and no one had made any efforts to talk to you. Discouraged, you trudged out of the classroom after the bell rang, signaling dismissal for the day. Sighing to yourself, you walked down the long hallway to your locker. You had to share with someone because there were not enough lockers.

'Hopefully, my locker mate will be nice,' you anxiously thought. As you neared locker number 24, you opened the top to grab your books and pack up for the day. You were startled when someone tapped your shoulder, prompting you to turn around. Your eyes widened when you saw a very attractive guy standing in front of you.

"Hey baby, can I help you with something?" he smoothly asked.

"I was told that I am sharing locker 24," you briefly explained, biting your lip nervously. His eyes caught sight of the action and he smirked.

"Well, today is your lucky day because you're sharing with me," he stated, a cocky smirk on his handsome face.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N," you stuck your hand out to shake his.

He simply glanced at your hand before reaching out and lifting it to his lips.

"Well, beautiful, I'm Trevor," he said before pressing a kiss to the top of your hand.

'Wow, he's good,'  you thought.

"May I walk you out?" he asked, still holding your hand.

"Yeah, just let me finish packing up," you told him. He nodded and waited for you. After you packed up, you slung your backpack over your shoulders and walked over to him. Trevor once again took your hand in his much larger one and walked you out of the school hallway.

When you reached the awning next to where your car was parked, you turned to Trevor.

"Well, Trevor, this is my car. Thanks for walking me. It was nice to meet you," you said, smiling brightly.

"Of course, Y/N. I'd like to take you out on a date on Friday if  that's okay with you?" he suggested, slightly nervous.  You detached your fingers from his.

"I'll think about it, baby," you winked at him before getting in your car and driving home, leaving Trevor stunned.


I love Trevor and I don't see many imagines about him, so I decided to do one. Let me know how it was!

Dylan O'Brien played Trevor in the web series called 'Sweety High.' It was one of his first roles.

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