Stilinski Twins Imagine Part 2

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"Stiles?!" Y/N shouted.

"Y/N, what are you doing with Stuart?" he questioned. Y/N thought she saw a flash of hurt in his whiskey eyes.

"I-I was-" she stuttered, growing more nervous as both twins looked at her expectantly. She couldn't take the pressure from Stiles's angry glare and Stuart's anxious stare. Both boys watched in shock as the distressed girl ran from the room and into the bathroom, the sound of the door locking the only noise heard in the midst of the awkward silence. The boys  briefly glanced at each other before quickly sprinting to the bathroom door and trying the handle with no luck.

As soon as Y/N barreled into the bathroom, she shoved the door closed and quickly turned the lock. She sunk down to the floor, her arms resting on her knees and her head in her hands, as overwhelmed tears made their way down her cheeks. Y/N had been kissed and asked out only minutes prior by Stuart, the boy who was the bane of her existence for many years. Stiles was her best friend and her crush. She had always liked him, but as evidenced from his constant obsession with the beautiful red-head named Lydia, she felt as though he would never see her as more than a friend, which spurred her to agree to go on a date with Stuart. Y/N was puzzled why Stiles would be angry that she was with Stuart. She was yanked from her thoughts when the boys started knocking on the door and begging her to talk to them. Shouting filled the silence as the twins argued. Y/N didn't hear words, only noise drowning her thoughts. She covered her ears with her hands as an attempt to quiet the chaos.

"Please, please stop," she choked out. The arguing ceased and Stuart's voice broke the silence.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" Stuart sounded worried.

"Since when do you care about her? She's MY best friend!" Stiles fired back.

"Yeah, well, you weren't here when she needed you. Guess who helped her with her panic attack when she desperately searched the house for you only to find out that you were on a camping trip with Scott that you didn't even tell her about?" Stuart ranted, his face turning red.

Stiles's defensive front faded into a heartbroken expression.

"She-she had a panic attack? Is she ok?" he whispered, ashamed.

"Yeah, she did. I helped her, Stiles. I'd never leave her like that, " Stuart defended.

"I'm sorry, Stuart. I just really care about her," Stiles admitted to his twin.

"I really care about her, too, Stiles. I like her, like, a lot and I hope that's ok because I'm taking her on a date this weekend."

"What? Stuart, you can't!" Stiles yelled.

"Oh, yeah? Why don't we let her decide that?" Stuart pointed at the door.

Meanwhile, Y/N was trying to calm herself down before she had another panic attack. Grabbing the counter ledge, she hauled her weak body to stand upright. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her usual rosy complexion was pale and sunken, her eyes were bloodshot from crying, and her breaths were ragged. She clumsily unlocked the door before passing out.

The boys stopped arguing when they heard the lock clicking and then a hard thump.

"Please, Stuart, let me be there for her this time," Stiles begged. Stuart nodded. The boys pulled the door open and were horrified to see her unconscious on the hard tile floor. Stiles reached for her wrist to check her pulse, while Stuart held her head in his lap, running his fingers through her hair in an attempt to comfort her and himself.

"She has a pulse, but it's weak. Stuart, we gotta take her to the hospital," Stiles stated. Stuart nodded.

"Go get the keys and we'll carry her to your Jeep."

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