chapter eight

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i woke up at my own time, sleeping through my alarm.

i checked the time. it was only 10. travis was still asleep next to me, but i expected as much.

i went into the bathroom to clean myself up to the best of my abilities with the products the boys had. i put my hair up into a very quick bun before giving my boss a call that i wasn't going in tonight. i felt shitty not being there for my coworkers on a friday, but my hoarse voice from yelling last night put my sick illusion into place.

i left the bathroom to see schlatt, ted, and noah already awake, looking on their phones. "good morning," i greeted. they all gave me a rumble of a response. "how long have you guys been awake for?"

ted looked up as he scooted up his glasses. "noah and i woke up an hour ago, i think."

"i don't think i fell asleep," schlatt said with a small chuckle.

"did you guys eat?" i asked them. they shook their heads. "mind if i cook? i'm really good."

"go ahead, i think we have enough ingredients for pancakes," noah replied as he looked in the direction of his kitchen, as if he could see through his fridge.

i walked over to the kitchen and started to make them, putting out toppings along the way as i kept on making more.

finally, everyone was out of their rooms and my pace started to quicken up with carson and josh helping me, although they made more of a mess and were arguing.

i started to talk to josh as i poured some batter into the pan. "how have you been, josh? i feel like i haven't talked to you in a long time!"

"oh, i've been good. i just started college so hopefully, it won't go to shit." i nodded as he spoke. "aren't you in college? how is it?"

"it's good but it's probably way different since i have online classes," i replied as i shrugged, moving around the pancake in the pan.

carson joined in the conversation as he gave me more batter to cook. "you're still in college? wow, what a loser, am i right josh?" he laughed at his own joke.

i glared with a smile. "aren't you a high school dropout?" carson laughed harder. i punched him in the arm. "you're such a fucking ass, king."

after a while longer, the food was finished and everyone was either eating or already ate. we chilled in the living room, talking to each other or looking at our phones. i was speaking with ted and charlie.

"you guys know what you're doing today?" i asked as i chopped up my pancake.

"i think we're going to the beach or something, i forgot," ted replied, looking to charlie for help.

charlie only shrugged. "carson was the one who planned it, you should ask him." i nodded but still stayed with them as we finished eating.

when we finished, i took their plates and went to clean them before going to carson and tapping him on the shoulder. he turned to me. "hey, what are you guys doing today?" i asked.

"oh, we're going to go walk on the beach and do a campfire. you wanna join us?"

i smiled. "if you don't mind."

he nodded and brushed his hair back. "okay, we're going to be at the imperial beach at around 3. meet us at the park if you're gonna leave."

"okay, thank you so much, king. i'm actually going to be heading out right now, but i'll definitely meet you there." he once again nodded.

i went out to travis' room to get my clothes from the night before and waved goodbye as i left, going to get ready.


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