chapter thirty-two

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i giggled as i pulled on schlatt's arm slightly, trying to get him away from his quick tapping against the keyboard. "c'mon, schlatt! aren't you excited?"

it had been a week since our hangout with the others and we had been working our asses off to get schlatt his own apartment while trying to find potential furniture and decorations that would look perfect in the new space. i should've known, but i was slightly surprised when schlatt told me he wanted to decorate with inspiration from the 80s and later eras.

he groaned quietly and leaned back in his chair, stretching, with a smile resting gently on his face. "i'm excited, i'm excited, i just don't think i'm as eager to see my own place as you are," he replied, taking my hand that was on his arm into his hand. "you wanna go right now?"

"yes!" i cheered, "what do you think i've been doing this whole time? just annoying you?" he laughed as he got out of his chair, stretching out more of his tall body. "i just really want to go to ikea and those fancy home stores."

he hummed, amused. he grabbed some casual clothes, changing out of his pajamas. i went onto the computer to find the address of the new apartment and imputing it into my phone while giving schlatt his privacy.

we finished around the same time and we head out, with me driving to the place.

we still hadn't talked about what had happened at the skating rink and it felt like it was eating me alive. in the back of my brain, some part of me kept on nagging me about how i was wrong for having such big mood swings in front of the people i love, and i knew it was right, but i just didn't like the idea of admitting to someone out loud i was in the wrong. i knew i had to apologize to schlatt for being so snappy. my dumbass just didn't know how to.

once we arrived, i turned off the car and looked at schlatt, who was watching his hands pick at his nails. i put a hand over his for him to stop. "what's wrong?"

he licked his dry lips and shrugged. "i don't know- i'm like an excited-nervous right now," he replied before looking at me. "there's nothing wrong, just so you know."

i tightly smiled. "well, alright. if you say so." i patted his leg before we exited the car.

we went into the apartment complex with the new code we had been given and got the key from the tin box that was next to the new home door.

before schlatt turned the key in its slot, he let out a shaky breath and looked at me. i smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

we entered the house together, exploring the place. it empty, of course, but it made me happy for schlatt, and i could tell schlatt was happy as well. his face was glowing as he explained what he was going to do with the rooms, explaining where all his furniture would go and how it would be decorated. it was certainly entertaining and it made me imagine how many more memories we would have in this place.

when schlatt had finished his tour for me, he sat down in the center of the living room, leaning back on his palms. i sat down on his lap facing him, wrapping my arms around his neck. i planted a gentle kiss on his lips. "i'm so proud of you, schlatt. you know that?"

"i know, sweetheart," he whispered back, leaning all his weight on his right hand so he could push away my hair from my face. he stared at my face before he laughed out, "god, can we stop being so sweet? i'm starting to miss your ruthlessness."

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