chapter eleven

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it was 2 more days until schlatt left. a friday.

today i planned to tell schlatt how i felt.

i called carson a couple of days earlier, trying to get him to have no plans today. it took a little bit of convincing, but thankfully he did help me out in the long run.

i had already planned that schlatt and i would go to the pier together, but i just needed to ask him to hang out. i went ahead and called him. he answered within a couple of seconds. "hey, what's up?"

"hey, schlatt! i was just wondering if you would like to go to the pier at the beach with me?"

he took a second to reply. "sure, yeah! what time?"

i smiled slightly in relief. "how much time do you need?"

"give me an hour."

"okay, i'll see you then. bye," i listened to his goodbye before ending the call, going to freshen up my makeup a bit and changing into some ripped jeans, light blue crop top, and a white jacket. i passed the time by playing some videogames on my computer.


soon enough, i was outside of carson's house. i texted schlatt to come outside. after a couple of minutes of waiting, i heard the boy get inside the car. i looked at him and smiled. he was wearing his pink hoodie with a white cap to match it. "nice color, the pink," i commented as he put on his seat belt.

"yeah, thanks," he said as he smiled back at me. i started to drive to the beach and gave him my phone to play music. whenever we drove in my car, i had always made him the designated music-picker. 

he took my phone and started to play select songs that he found in my playlist. we sang along to them as the windows were down. it felt like a cliche california movie or dream.

once we got out of the car, we decided to go to a near starbucks. when we were waiting for our drinks, i asked questions about him, with most of them being answered as a joke but then answered with real thoughtfulness. i found it charming.

we got our iced coffees and started to walk down on the opposite side of the beach, looking at the windows of shops and going inside some. one that piqued my interest was a candy store. "oh my god, we have to go inside!" i exclaimed, hopping up and down slightly.

he laughed but raised an eyebrow. "isn't that just an overpriced candy shop?"

i gasped. "yes, but no! they have such cool things inside, you don't find them everywhere! we have to go inside!"

we went inside and i showed him around, showing him the candies that were ridiculous, like the japanese candies that you make yourself, the varieties of soda that sound disgusting (like my personal favorite, celery soda), and some foreign candies that were from around the world.

as a result, we decided to get around $30 worth of candy, although it didn't seem like we got a lot. schlatt looked in awe at the store, but when we got the paper bag with our purchased candy, i could see some regret. "jesus christ, you weren't joking, huh."

i shook my head as i took a sip of my coffee. "nope! they're fun to look at even if you're not buying anything. surely they have something like these in new york?"

he shrugged as we looked at more shop windows. "probably, but i just never went inside. my friends in brooklyn are not the exact 'shopping' type." i nodded along as he spoke and went inside a couple more stores that were for clothing and home decor.

walking more down the street, we also went inside a store that was probably for people who were witches, or something along those lines.

i personally thought they were extremely cute so i browsed through it, looking at the incense and crystals. schlatt walked along with me, looking at the sections as well. "wait, so this is a religion?" i nodded as i looked at the overpriced rocks. "i cannot be in here, i am a devoted catholic!"

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