chapter thirty-one

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"schlatt, i found a ravine!" y/n called out to me in the discord call. "get your ass over here!"

what i currently had set up for my pc was in y/n's dining room. it was certainly difficult but she was so eager to start her streaming on twitch and she needed me to help her. i obviously couldn't say no to her. i was basically living off of her until i found my own place, which is far more embarrassing for me than it should be. i guess i've never been dependent on others for such a long time.

but soon enough, i'll be moving out. i've already had a very keen eye on an apartment relatively close to my girlfriend and best friends. all i need to do is check out the place in person and purchase it.

in our minecraft hardcore world, i went to her, threw an egg at her, and checked out the ravine myself. "yeah, okay. looks good but we need to be focusing on making our house, don't you think?"

she crouched down. "ooo, can i make a cake farm? or just a general farm?"

i chuckled quietly. "fine," i said with a fake annoyed tone. "i guess i'll have to be the one making the money."

"i swear to god, if you try and sell me your stupid schlatt coin when we're living together, i'll move out."

"what a threat, y/n!" i laughed out. "and don't you call my precious schlatt coin stupid. it's an excellent product and idea."

she scoffed, "not as much as a cake farm."

"as if that's original," i muttered with a smile. she laughed and punched me with her pickaxe.  "hey, not in hardcore!"

"shut up, pussyboy."

oh, the nerve she had. if only i was streaming myself, this would be better. i could easily prank her and shit talk about her to my own chat. i checked her chat to see everyone insulting me with variations of the nickname pussyboy. i guess it would be an understatement to say i was getting absolutely obliterated. and it would be an understatement if i didn't admit i was filled with vengeance. "oh, don't play a game you haven't mastered yet, sweetheart."

she made a fake gagging sound. "yeah, whatever. do you have any more of those eggs? i'm starting the chicken coop."

i checked my inventory. "yeah. where are you placing 'em?"

"back of the unfinished house," she said before fake coughing about the house part, as if she hasn't insulted me enough.

i came over with my half-full stack of eggs and started to hit them all into the enclosed area. with not much help, the last egg was the only one that had hatched a baby chicken. i cheered and cooed quietly. "we should name it."

i could hear y/n stay quiet, reading through the chat. i did the same. "chat is saying pussybaby and i can't disagree with that. gender neutral-ish."

i rolled my eyes. "are you not thinking about the other chickens? they would obviously bully him."

she stayed quiet for a little while. "what if pussybaby moved in with us once the house is finished? we can actually raise him properly."

i groaned quietly to myself. "i guess so," i complied. she clapped softly. "do we have a name tag from that desert temple?"

her character ran off. "think so."

we kept on joking around while i was making the house, doing some dumb roleplays to entertain each other and the viewers. it always ended up with some unusual ending, like murder, horror, or something i would say that was too inappropriate for us to go on without getting banned.

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