e l e v e n

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Jisoo walked up to Jennie's door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later three girls appeared, all laughing.

"Hey Chu! Come in!" Jennie said, stepping aside so the eldest could come in. "Jisoo! Are you ready for the coolest most awesome weekend ever!" Chaeyoung jumped up and down with joy.

Jisoo put her things down, and turned to face them. "I have something to tell you." She grinned, and each of them stopped doing whatever they were doing and rushed to Jennie's room, where they always had a gossip circle whenever they had sleepovers.

"Spill." Lisa said breathlessly after running up two flights of stairs. "I have a boyfriend." Jisoo's eyes gleamed as her three friends processed the information.

"What?!" Lisa screamed, jumping on her unnie. "Who's surprised?! Jisoo Unnie is ethereal!" Jennie smiled.

"You guys are making me blush!" Jisoo said, covering her face. "Who is it?!" Chaeyoung asked, smirking. "Well...promise you won't freak out, okay?" The eldest said, and the three younger girls nodded.

"Seokjin." Jisoo finally said, holding her breath. To say that the three other girls were shocked was an understatement.

They were flabbergasted. "Like, Kim Seokjin?!" Chaeyoung was the first to speak, and Jisoo nodded.

"That's so great, Unnie!" Chaeyoung said. "He helped me get my chocolate bar out of the vending machine before!" Lisa smiled, happy that Jisoo's boyfriend seemed decent.

"He's like, the only nice one in Bangtan." Jennie smiled. Jisoo smiled back, but Lisa and Chaeyoung's heads swerved towards Jennie.

"He's not the only decent one." Chaeyoung argued, and they all looked at her in surprise. "Chaeng?" Jisoo said in disbelief.

"I have to agree with her." Lisa shrugged. Jisoo stared at the youngest in shock. "W-What?! You hate them, Lis!" Jisoo said, her voice going squeaky.

"W-We barely even know them!" Lisa stuttered.

So the night went on like this, but the three other girls insisted they had no gossip or secrets. It was all going fine until they were making s'mores.

Lisa stood up to get another cracker, leaving her phone on the sofa beside Jisoo. She got a notification, and the screen was too bright for Jisoo not to read.

[💌] New message from Kook 🤦‍♀️

Kook 🤦‍♀️
are you okay?
you haven't been answering
my messages...
i'm getting worried.
if you got a new phone, then this
is jungkook.
please answer me.

Jisoo dropped her s'more onto her lap, not believing what she was seeing. "Lisa?! Why is Jungkook from Bangtan messaging you?!" Jisoo said quietly.

Lisa froze as the three others stared at her. "H-He isn't...why are you reading my notifications?!" Lisa asked accusingly, snatching her phone up and reading the message.

Chaeyoung saw a sadness flash through the girl's face, but she masked it as quickly as it came. "Lisa..just tell them.." Jennie muttered, rubbing Lisa's back.

"You told her and not us?" Chaeyoung said. And with that, Lisa slumped to the ground in despair.


"I'm sleeping with Jeon Jungkook from Bangtan. Happy now? Well that's not it. We were supposed to be just fuck buddies, but then I did what I had promised myself what I wouldn't do. I fell in love with him. It sucks, but I love him, okay? And I can never love him. Everyone knows he'll just break my heart, he'd never love a girl like me. I don't want to speak with him. I hate feeling like this. But at the same time..I miss him. I miss him so fucking much." Lisa sobbed in a rush.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo's feelings of betrayal were immediately replaced with feelings of sadness for the girl. Her friends rushed to her and hugged her, a strong wall of support.

"Lisa, calm down, okay? It's all okay, it's gonna be okay." Chaeyoung soothed the brunette. Lisa was hyperventilating now.

That's when Jisoo noticed a tear slowly sliding down Jennie's cheek. "Boys s-suck.." She trembled. Jisoo hugged them both even tighter, not knowing what in the hell was going on with her two best friends.

She didn't question it either.

This was the start of all of their troubles.


this chapter is the most terribly written chapter i've ever laid my eyes on, and i'm sorry that you had to read that bahah.

i might edit it. please continue reading, i promise that future chapters will be better!

thanks for all the support and the reads, i really appreciate it 🥺

-mina 💓

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