t w e n t y t h r e e

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Lisa sat at her front porch, waiting. "What are you doing? It's late." Her sister came through the door. When Lisa didn't answer, Ryujin tried asking another question.

"What did that guy want today?" She asked. "Why did you let him in?" Lisa said quietly. "He said he wanted to talk to you-"

"You shouldn't have, Ryu. Not before asking me." Lisa glared. They were both then blinded by the flashing of car lights.

"I gotta go. I'll be back later." Lisa said, running down the driveway. "Wait, Lis-"

"Bye Ryu!"


Lisa hopped in the back seat, and although she was grinning widely, she didn't look good. "Lis, you look terrible!" Jennie exclaimed as Jisoo began driving.

Lisa shrugged. "Yeah, you do. What happened to you?" Jisoo asked, looking in the rear view mirror. "Jungkook came over today." Lisa said, giving up the act.

"What?! Are you okay? Do I have to hurt him?!" Jennie spat, clenching her fist. "No, he asked me why I was ignoring him. We got in this fight, and he kissed me to 'show me I mean something to him', but I know he just misses having sex every day." Lisa snarled.

"Lisa, have you ever considered the thought that you actually do mean something to him?" Jisoo sighed. "No. Because I don't. Look guys, let's just focus on Chae. That's what we're here for, isn't it?" Lisa said.

Her two friends, seeing how uncomfortable she was, dropped the subject.


"What the fuck, Taehyung?!" Yoongi said, grabbing the boy's arm. "We needed those rings. We could've just let her die, we don't even know who she is!" Namjoon roared.

"Yes, we do! She goes to our school, okay? Her name is Jennie Kim, and the other one is Jisoo, Jin's girlfriend. They weren't threatening Jisoo, but they could've if we didn't hand over the rings, okay?! We can't just let innocent people die." Tae burst out.

The two older boys exchanged looks. "Wow." Namjoon said, crossing his arms. "What?" Tae asked.

"You are so whipped." Yoongi said in disbelief. "What?! No, Jisoo is Jin's girlfriend, I would never-"

"Not her, you imbecile. For that Jennie girl. Actually, come to think of it, I did see you and her walking home together one time." Namjoon said.

Taehyung avoided their eyes. "You guys are both fucking crazy. Look, I have to go to Irene's." Tae said, walking away.

"Whipped?" Yoongi asked, turning to Namjoon.

"Most definitely."


Chanmi tapped her foot on the floor impatiently. "Do you think they'll show?" Nancy asked her blond friend nervously.

"They'll show. I just hope they aren't long. Naeun Unnie isn't the best liar, and if she is questioned she'll crumple like a piece of paper on a windy day." Chanmi said.

Just then, the door of the diner opened with a ping, and three girls walked in. Chanmi, Nancy and Yeeun stood up. "We were scared you weren't gonna show." Chanmi said sheepishly.

"We wouldn't have stayed home for the world." Jennie smiled warmly at the girl.

Once they were all seated and drinking chocolate milkshakes, Chanmi, Yeeun and Nancy were about to begin to tell them, when the diner door opened again.

Jimin came rushing in. "I got lost on the way here." He said breathlessly, sitting on the stool at the edge of the booth. "Why are you here?" Jennie narrowed her eyes at the boy. "I'm Chaeyoung's...friend too, you know." Jimin snapped.

"Guys, let me explain." Chanmi said, making the two go silent. "You ready?" Yeeun asked, and the four nodded.

"So, as you know, The Sisters of Pieta is a house of God. Children from troubled backgrounds come as one to form something beautiful. Chaeyoung joined us around seven years ago. She instantly became a part of our group. We told each other everything, like sisters. But when she started in your high school, she started to drift. She would stay late after school, and go on sleepovers on the weekend. So she didn't tell us as much anymore. But what she did tell us was about this guy Jimin, who she liked. Then one day, she came back all excited. We asked her why, and she told us to keep it a secret. What she told us...shocked us, in the least. She told us she had given her virginity to Jimin."

The three girls gasped, and looked at Jimin. "And you never thought of telling us this?!" Jisoo screeched. Jimin covered his ears. "I thought it would make some things more complicated." He explained, trying to reason with the beast.

Chanmi continued to explain. "She wanted us to keep it a secret, because as you probably know, having premarital sex is a sin in our religion. So, on a seemingly normal day, we came home from school. Most of us go to the same all girls school, but Chaeng insisted on going to your school. But when we arrived home, there was an envelope at the front door. We picked it up, but the pictures slipped out. It was of...Chaengie and Jimin..doing it."

Nancy had begun to cry, Yeeun drying her friend's tears. Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa covered their mouths in shock. Jimin looked like he was about to vomit.

"One of the younger girls saw, and told the head Nun. When Chaeyoung came home from school that evening, she was immediately taken away to a place in the outer cut. Where she wouldn't see anyone, except for 'devil girls' like her. She screamed as they pulled her out to the cab, she screamed and screamed and screamed. It was..so terrible." Even Jenchuli couldn't hold in their tears at this point.

Jimin slowly stood up, and ran out of the building. "I'll go after him.." Jisoo said weakly. She stood, and went outside., where she was met with a hyperventilating blonde stood against the wall.

"Earth to Jimin. Jimin. Jimin. Jimin." Jisoo said continuously. He finally glared up at her, and she stopped. "Jimin, this isn't your fault." She began.

"Yeah, right! Chaeyoung is like, the only girl that I've thought about a future together. The only girl that I haven't just wanted to fuck. And..I ruined it. I just can't believe I ruined it." Bitterness dissolved into tears as he hopelessly sobbed into his knees.

Jisoo put an arm around him. "We'll get her back. I promise." She said comfortingly.

The boy leaned into her in a hopeless attempt in finding comfort, and was surprised when Jisoo hugged him.

Since that day, he saw her as a motherly figure.

"We'll get her back."


hey! idk if i told y'all that i smashed my old ipad so it had become really hard to write on here, but my new ipad just came so i'm super happy hehe.

also, poor chaemin :( i feel so bad for both. also, in this story timeline, the prequel hasn't even happened yet.

all in good time :)

-mina 💕

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