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... I'm sorry

               Peter woke up slowly. He tried to lift his arm to rub his eyes, but they wouldn't move. His eyes opened quickly and he looked down. He began to panic as he realized he was sitting on a chair and he had chains around his wrists, forearms, chest, waist, calves, and ankles. He looked around the room and saw broken boards, wood walls, a wood floor, and a table just a few feet away from him. He tries to break out of the chains, but nothing happens. Peter stiffens as he hears footsteps from multiple people approaching. He flinched when someone puts their hands on his shoulders.
"Hello, Mr.Parker. Oh, I'm sorry. Spider-Man." Peter's eyes widen and he tries to look behind him. The hands leave his shoulders and three people walk in front of him. Two of them have masks on, but one of them doesn't. The man without the mask is the tallest of the three, he has brown hair, brown eyes, and he's very pale. He kneels in front of Peter.
"I'm so sorry about this Peter. But you see, I need a little something from Ironman. And I know you're very important to him. So just tell me how to get into the building and I'll let you go." Peter stays silent as he stares into the man eyes. He sighs and walks over to the table. Peter watches as he picks something up and then walks back over to the teen. The light reflects off the metal and Peter's heart stops as he sees a scalpel. The man doesn't speak as he stops Peter with the tool and drags it across his stomach. Peter clenches his fists as he tries not to scream. The man looks at him and smirks.
"You're a strong one." He turns to the other men and they turn to the table and grab their own tools.
"Let's try this again. My name is Corey. You can call the one with the black mask 'K' and the one in the white mask 'U'. We want something from your old man. So, tell us how to get it, and you're free to leave." Peter stays silent, breathing heavily, and stares at the wall behind Corey. The man doesn't say anything but he pulls the scalpel out of Peter's stomach and stabs his leg.
—time skip—
Tony paces around his lab as Friday continues to look for Peter. It's been a month since Peter's gone missing. Tony's been trying to find Peter ever since he didn't answer his phone on the first day. He went to Peter's apartment and he saw Peter's window was open, there were dents in the wall and stuff was knocked over, obvious signs of struggle. It was bad enough that Peter was taken, but he was taken from his own home. Tony tried to find fingerprints, blood, or anything that could contain DNA. There was nothing there. So now, Tony was looking through traffic cameras and other security cameras as the rest of the team did the same. Steve was trying to convince Tony to take a break when Tony's phone rang.
Corey, K, and U were talking in a corner about something Peter couldn't hear. He was exhausted, scared, and in pain. His senses weren't working the way they normally did. Corey turned to him with a sadistic smile on his face.
"It's been a while since you talked to anyone besides us. I think it's time we call Tony." Peter would have smiled if it wasn't for the situation he was in. The man grabbed a phone, and called Tony, using the number that they got from Peter's phone before destroying it. Corey put the phone on speaker and placed it near Peter's face. Tony answered after the third ring.
"Who is this?" Peter lifted his head.
"Mr.Stark?" Peter's voice was quiet and broken. It sounded like he hasn't talked in years.
"Peter?" His voice was scared, but he seemed relieved that Peter called him. Peter couldn't help the smile that grew on his face.
"Hi, Tony." There was a broken sound on the other end of the phone
"Peter, where are you?" Before Peter could answer, Corey moves the phone towards himself.
"Hello, Mr.Stark. My name is Corey. Pleasure to meet you."
"Who the hell are you? Why do you have my kid?" The man practically growled.
"Let's make a deal. You come here alone and I'll let you trade places with your precious child."
"No!" Peter yelled, though it wasn't really loud enough to be called a yell.
"What the hell, Peter?" Corey just laughed and took the phone off speaker.
"I think you and Tony need to talk for a little bit." He held the phone to Peter's ear.
"Mr.Stark, it's okay."
"No it's not, Peter. I can get you out of there." Tears start to form in Peter's eyes.
"I can't let you do that, Mr.Stark. It's okay. I'm not afraid to die."
"Peter, I don't give a shit if you're not afraid to die. I'm terrified. I don't want to live a life without you in it." A tear fell out of Peter's eye and he took in a shaky breath.
               "I'll be okay, Mr.Stark." It was quiet on Tony's end and then he let out a breath.
               "You will be okay because I just found your location. We're on our way Peter." Peter smiled but then Corey took the phone away and put it to his ear.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that Mr.Stark." He hung up and grabbed something out of U's hand. He poured it on Peter and it took Peter a few seconds before he realized it was gasoline. Corey continued to pour it around the warehouse.
"I thought you said you wanted something from Tony. You won't get it if you kill me." Corey just smiled at him.
"Oh I'll get what I want. I want Tony to lose someone he loves. He's taken so much from other people, someone needs to take something from him. Besides, I thought you weren't afraid to die?" Peter continued to pull on his chains. Corey stood near the door with U and K as he lit a match. He smiled at Peter sympathetically.
"I'm sorry to do this, Peter. I don't normally kill kids, but I have to. I hope you can forgive me." He dropped the match and fire quickly spread towards Peter. His breathing speeds up and sweat starts to form on his forehead. Tears start to pour out of his eyes and he calls out for Tony. The fire gets closer. The metal begins to burn Peter's skin and he screams. Why wasn't Tony here yet? He said he was on his way. The fire got even closer. Peter let more tears fall and he apologized. He apologized to May for leaving her alone. He apologized for Ned for spending less time with him ever since he became Spider-Man. He apologized to Mj for not taking her on more dates. He apologized to Harley for how he acted when they first met. He apologized to the Avengers for not being the hero he needed to be. He apologized to his teachers for missing school. He apologized to his decathlon team for missing practice and competitions. He apologized to Morgan for not being the big brother she needed. And he apologized to Tony. He wanted to be the person Tony wanted him to be, but it was impossible to be better than him. He didn't mean for Tony to worry or care about him so much. He felt like he was betraying Tony for not being strong enough to save himself. The fire got closer.
—time skip—
Tony was almost to Peter location. The rest of the team was following behind him in a jet. Tony was beginning to feel relieved when he saw smoke in the distance. He moved faster and his heart dropped. The warehouse was consumed by the flames. Tony landed on the ground and then the roof fell.
"Peter!" Tony was about to run in, but Steve and Rhodey held him back. He tried to fight them but he couldn't break from their hold. Vision entered the building as the flames continued to grow. The rest of the Avengers stood behind Tony, trying to stay positive. They saw vision begin to exit but they all turned to Tony when he came out empty handed. Vision walked up to Tony with a frown. Tony stares at Vision and shakes his head.
"No..... No!" He tries to pull away again, but Rhodey pulls him into a hug. They fall to the ground as Tony sobs into Rhodey's chest. Tony prepares his apologies.

A/N: ok so this is sad, but ummmm I really only know how to write sad stuff. The next chapter is going to be happy so don't worry, I'm not that mean. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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