OTP "who" Questions

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Another Harley/Peter story because I love them. This is just what the title says. I found some random OTP questions, but they're too short to make a story out of just one question, so I made this. I have more questions if you would like me to make a second one. Ok...Enjoy!

1. Who offers their jacket when the other one is cold?
Peter gets cold more than Harley does because he can't thermoregulate. And Peter always forgets to bring a jacket because he may be smart, but he doesn't know how to take care of himself. So, Harley always gives his jacket to Peter.

2. Who giggles uncontrollably when the other picks them up?
Peter. It just makes him really happy when Harley picks him up. It makes him feel like he is being cared for by someone who doesn't have to take care of him.

3. Who compliments the other in front of everyone?
Harley, because he loves seeing Peter blush when he gets a compliment. Harley just thinks his boyfriend is adorable and he wants everyone to know how amazing the boy is.

4. Who is most likely to say a pun? What's the others reaction?
Obviously Peter. He wears shirts with science puns on them. Harley laughs but not because the puns are funny, but his boyfriend is so adorable and awkward and he can't help but laugh.

5. When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?
When Peter has a bad day, Harley leaves one of his hoodies and some snacks by Peter's door and leaves him alone until the boy comes to him. When he does, Peter pulls the other boy to the couch and sits in his lap. Harley turns on the tv and puts on a show that they can laugh at.
When Harley has a bad day, Peter lays behind him, his chest against the others back, and wraps his arm around Harley's waist. They stay like that for a few hours and then Peter turns on Harley's tv and puts on a Disney movie.

6. What would each of them wear if they chose what the other would wear for a day?
Peter would make Harley wear black skinny jeans, a shirt with Harley's favorite band, and a leather jacket. Harley would make Peter wear skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie, probably one of Harley's. But they might also just make the other wear sweatpants and an oversized shirt.

7. Who introduces their partner to their family first?
Peter introduces Harley to May first because she's his best friend and she wanted to meet the boy as soon as Peter confirmed they were dating.

8. In a coffee shop au, who would be the worker and who would be the customer?
Peter would be the worker and Harley would be the customer because he is addicted to caffeine and goes to the coffee shop every morning.

9. When they sit side by side, do they touch each other?
They are never not touching each other. When they sit next to each other, Harley will usually have his arm around Peter's shoulder, or one of them will be hugging the other from behind. But if their hands are full, their legs will be pressed against each other's.

10. What's a small thing one does to make the other happy?
They both openly show their affection for each other. They're not scared about what other people think and that makes both of them very happy.

11. What would they do to celebrate their anniversary?
Probably spend the day in the lab and make something for each other. And then they do the do that night, but that's a little too nsfw

12. When did they first fall in love with each other?
It was almost two months after they first met. They were both jealous of each other at first, but they still got along. The jealousy soon disappeared and something new was created, but neither of them noticed. And then, Peter almost died during a mission. He was shot, stabbed, and slammed into a wall multiple times. As Harley watched it on the news, he couldn't describe how scared he was. While Peter was in surgery, Harley talked to Pepper and she made him realize he was in love with him. He told Peter when the boy woke up. Peter told him about how he denied his feelings at first because he didn't want to lose the other boy, but May told him they would always be friends even if it didn't work out. Lucky for them, it did.

13. Who likes to give the other hugs from behind, followed by a kiss?
Both of them. Harley will hug Peter from behind when he's working in the lab too late and Peter will do the same. Peter also hugs Harley when he's cooking and Harley hugs Peter when he's getting ready for patrol. They hug each other from behind whenever they can.

14. Who would make a playlist for the other person?
Again, both of them because they have very different tastes in music and they want to show the other that you just need to look for good songs instead of listening to the radio all the time.

15. Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?
Peter because he knows all the best places and rooftops in New York to get a good view of the sky. He'll set up blankets and pillows and he'll get their favorite foods from whatever they're craving that night.

A/N: this was a lot cuter than I thought it would be and I love it and I want it. I'm so single bruh. Side note, I finally got to go to horseback after almost two months!! My mental health is at its peak. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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