4: the demon with the bamboo muzzle

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter four
the demon with the bamboo muzzle

>> hours later >>

It was already nightfall in the house with the wisteria family crest. (y/n), Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Hisa-san had already eaten dinner (which was some bowls of ramen), and they are all getting ready for bed.

(y/n) was obviously given a room of her own that separated herself from the boys. She had a nice pastel blue futon mattress that she had placed on the floor. But something wasn't right; (y/n) couldn't get to sleep.

She walked out of her room and snuck out to the courtyard, where the wisteria flowers on the trees glowed brightly under the moonlight. For her, it felt like she has hallucinating or she has seen something magical. She set herself below these mystical petals.

At this very moment, (y/n) had heard a rustling sound coming from the distance. It was the sound of the pitter-pattering of feet tripping over the leaves that fell on the ground. (y/n) stood up and brought out her wisteria-styled katana. Gulping heavily as she made big steps away from the trees, (y/n) wanted to know who or what was accompanying her.

She sensed a demon's presence. (y/n) adjusted her katana, easing the way she was breathing at the moment.

"Thunder Breathing, First Form," whispered (y/n), making sure the 'demon' wouldn't suspect her. Small, thin lightning streaks started coming out of her blade as soon as she pulled it out from its sheath.

"Thunderclap and Flash!" were her words slipping out of her lips as she charged forward as quick as the lightning bolts that drew out the power within this girl.

She had her eyes targeted on the 'demon.' But when she had caught a glimpse of it, (y/n) began to lose concentration on her fighting form.

The 'demon' was really cute, and it was the first thing that came into the mind of (y/n) as she drew her blade. It turned out that the 'demon' was a girl, who had black-to-orange ombre, long hair cascading down her back. She wore a dark haori that covered her pastel-pink kimono.

(y/n) couldn't make it out with her face. But when she was curious enough to see it, she had already lost her focus. Her 'Thunderclap and Flash' form succumbed her to charge straight, until she hit herself at a concrete wall that surrounded the entire wisteria household.

Bam! Klash! were sound effects that could describe how much damage was brought to (y/n) when she had bumped into that sturdy wall.

She fell on her knees. As soon as she regained consciousness, she returned her nichirin blade back into its sheath, and used it as support for herself to rethink what had happened minutes before that accident.

"You sure gave yourself quite a strong hit all of a sudden!" came in a kind, caring voice, whispering to (y/n).

"Kamado-san? What brings you here late in the night?" pondered (y/n) as she looked at the hanafuda boy.

He had a blue, woven scarf wrapping around his neck as he wore the same white robes as Zenitsu and Inosuke did. His burgundy, messy hair blowing with the easy breeze as he kindly brought out his hand to (y/n).

"I can ask you the same thing!" smiled Tanjiro in a gentle manner, "But first thing's first, let's get you up!"

(y/n) placed her hand on his, tightening as Tanjiro slowly helped her stand up from the ground. She brushed off any dust or dirt that clutched onto both her haori and her white kimono that Hisa-san gave her during her stay at the house.

She noticed some dirty stains on the kimono, but she didn't really mind them that much; she can just wash them off by tomorrow morning when Hisa-san does the laundry.

"Thanks a bunch, Kamado-san," (y/n) spoke, giving Tanjiro a heads up.

"Oh! You don't have to call me that all the time. Just Tanjiro-kun would do for me," chuckled the giant forehead.

"Alright, Tanjiro-kun!" replied (y/n), "While speaking of you, it's funny that you came in at perfect timing-"

Her words stopped as soon as she saw the same petite demon girl standing right next to Tanjiro. The girl had pale, pink eyes that stared into (y/n)'s very own (e/c) orbs in a way that awed the girl in admiration. Her mouth was covered with a muzzle made out of bamboo. It was probably to prevent herself from biting, considering that the girl is a demon.

Tanjiro noticed (y/n)'s sudden behavior. He thought at first that she was spacing out, until he saw that her eyes were zooming towards the demon girl. While looking at both (y/n) and the demon over and over again, he began giggling again like a good boy he truly was.

"I guess it's time for you both to introduce yourselves, huh?" grinned the hanafuda Tanjiro, clapping his hands with pure joy and delight.

"Nezuko, this is Tsuma Kazue of the Tsuchinoe rank," said Tanjiro to the demon girl as he raised his hand to point to the slayer girl.

"Kazue-chan, this is Nezuko Kamado, my younger sister," smiled Tanjiro as he swayed his hand to point to this adorable demon instead.

Something confused (y/n).

"Now, I know what exactly what you're thinking!" reassured Tanjiro as he gave his little sister a light pat on her small head, "My sister Nezuko was once a human like all of us, until she became a demon. But even if she is a demon, she shows no sign of violence towards us. In fact, she sees us all like one big, happy family!"

While he was explaining the biography of his sister, Nezuko hopped towards (y/n) with warm, open arms as she was giving this demon slayer a hug. When the demon wrapped her arms around the girl, it gave (y/n) a vibe that seemed soothing and comfortable. She blushed in slight, peachy hues from Nezuko's cuteness. It was honestly a very wholesome moment.

Nezuko's surprisingly soft voice murmured through the bamboo muzzle. Although she couldn't hear what was coming out from her, (y/n) could still understand that Nezuko was reaching out to say something along the lines of "Hello, Tsuma-chan! It's very nice to meet you, and I hope we can be the best of friends!"

(y/n) chuckled, caressing the smooth fabric of Nezuko's dark-colored robe,
"It's very nice to meet you too, Nezuko-chan, and I'm sure we'll be great friends in no time!"

Then she remembered a little something that popped once again in her mind. (y/n) released Nezuko from the warm, toasty hug; and slowly dropped her head silently.

"About what happened earlier, Nezuko-chan," her fingers fiddling as she looked down, avoiding any eye contact, "I'm sorry for that."

Nezuko shrugged her long, ombre locks and insisted on patting (y/n)'s head, her feet tip-toeing because of the height difference. It was Nezuko's sign of forgiveness for (y/n)'s misunderstanding. Of course, she knew that she was a demon slayer like her elder brother; it was a natural instinct for a demon slayer to hunt down demons like that.

"You're quite the charm, aren't you?" grinned (y/n), restraining from the divine beauty of Nezuko. Even if she was a demon, she really had a lovely appearance. Nezuko's eyes showed no evil flaws but compassion and mercy.

"It would be a shame for me to take your beautifully good looks along with that head of yours," joked (y/n) as Nezuko entrapped her into another hug once again. This time, the feeling was warmer and softer.

Tanjiro could feel nothing but wholesomeness as well. He smiled dearly as he watched his beloved younger sister, making a new friend.

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