14: shinobu's estate of butterflies and flowers

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter fourteen
shinobu's estate of butterflies and flowers

a/n - I'm going to skip most parts because we all know what happened. I'll just fill in the parts where (y/n) should be, to make this a little entertaining for the chapter.

Tanjiro wakes up; the hashiras stare at him like some dead animal on a road; the leader comes in; Sanemi harshly abuses Nezuko; then recklessly puts her on trial. And then..

- -

(y/n), with some sudden rush of adrenaline, rose up from the gravel, jumped on the platform, and halted the wild, white man as he presented his bloody wound in front of the young demon girl. She bravely stood right in front of him, defending Nezuko as much as she could.

"What are you doing?" questioned Sanemi, withdrawing his arm that was drained with his blood, "Get out of the way! Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Leave her alone," her arms stretched to cover the demon behind her.

"Tch- Don't tell me you're with that Tomioka idiot, too!" yelled Sanemi, "You're clearly siding with the demon! You're going out of character!"

"You heard the man himself," firmly replied (y/n), referring to Ubuyashiki, who was watching their confrontation with each other, "Tanjiro-kun and Nezuko-chan are an exception."

"Are you out of your mind?!" he exclaimed, "You're basically one of the last people on my list who would trust a filthy, disgusting demon like her! Did you hit your head?"

"You don't have the right to insult Nezuko Kamado," she stated.

"You don't have the right to suddenly side with a demon!" he fought back.

"She's not just a demon-"

Nezuko intertwined her fingers with (y/n)'s (h/l), (h/c) hair. The slayer stopped all at once and looked at the adorable demon. In her light-pink eyes, there was no sign of malice nor evil, but they showed purity and mercy. She made a hmph sound from her bamboo muzzle, stepping in front of (y/n), now protecting the demon slayer instead. Her face slowly scrunched into a mixture of anger, stress, and pressure as she challenged herself with Shinaguzawa.

"You don't have to-" quietly whispered (y/n), reaching her hand out to stop Nezuko from pushing herself beyond her own limits.

One of Nezuko's hands squeezed hers, as a sign that the demon girl was going to be okay. (y/n) released from Nezuko's grasp, and witnessed Sanemi, presenting his bloody cut to the poor demon girl.

It seemed like a few minutes had passed, until Nezuko withdrew herself and returned back into her box like a stray kitten on a street. She made more hmph noises and pouted at Sanemi, who seemed so ever shocked by the demon's response to blood.

(y/n) knelt down to level Nezuko's eye contact since the demon girl had shrunk herself, so she could fit into her wooden box. (y/n) giggled as she clapped her hands in admiration.

"Well done, Nezuko-chan!" smiled (y/n), shifting back to her motherly personality, "It seems like you gave Shinaguzawa-san a bit of a jolt, didn't you? I knew I'd count on you!"

Nezuko, still in her small, toddler-like form, rose a little, and once again. playfully curled his fingers into (y/n)'s hair. Somehow, the feeling of caressing her hands with the demon slayer's locks had made Nezuko feel calm and at home. She blinked cutely.

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