Chapter One

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"Good morning, Blue." Grandma's voice came through the speaker of my phone.

Tapping on the steering wheel, I greeted her back, trying to sound as cheerful as she did so early in the morning. "Good morning, Grandma."

It was barely past eight on a Sunday morning and I could hardly keep my eyes open. I wasn't supposed to get up so early on a Sunday - or get up at all if it were up to me, but one of my professors decided to ruin my plan. He informed us about the class less than an hour ago and expected us to be there on time.

As expected, I was already running late. The class was about to start in a few minutes and I was stuck in the traffic, still a few blocks away from the University.

So here was I, stressed but trying not to let my grandma know that over the phone. If she knew about it she would've told me to ditch the class and drive back home instead. But since I was already in my last semester and it was going to be the last class before exams start, I didn't really want to risk making the professor mad in any way possible.

This led to me fake smile and laugh while talking to her despite the fact that I could hear the continuous horns and drivers cussing each other from the outside.

The class had already started by the time I arrived. There were only a handful of students and probably that's why the professor allowed me to enter. Looking around, I found my friend Tay sitting in the back with his bag placed on the seat right beside him. Walking over to him, I smiled when I saw him move his bag to vacant my seat even before I said anything.

"I was sure he wouldn't let me in." I said after sitting down and placing my notebook on the desk.

"He isn't that bad." Tay answered, his eyes never leaving the board the professor was writing on as he continued to note down everything.

The way he managed to write better than me without even looking down always amazed me. I, on the other hand, struggled to understand my own writing as soon as the lecture was over, despite all the attention paid to it.

Following Tay's lead, I started writing my own notes until the professor stopped writing to explain whatever he'd written. Looking back at Tay, I noticed his red hair had gotten longer since the last time I saw him. He was sporting a low ponytail at the back along with a headband on the top.

"You're growing out your hair?" I whispered to him as I shifted my gaze back to the professor. I didn't really understand what he was explaining but I couldn't really let him know that.

"Didn't have the time to get it cut. I have a gig before exams." He answered in a low voice as well. Tay was the drummer in a band he created with his childhood friends. I'd never really been to any of their gigs, but from what I'd seen online they seemed pretty good.

"Oh." I let out, distracted when the professor started writing again.

When he started explaining again, I said, "your hair, it looks good."

"Really?" Tay looked over at me in surprise.

I nodded quickly and got back to jotting down notes when I saw the professor look over at us. When his gaze left us, I spoke again. "I've always wanted to grow mine out too, but Grandma doesn't let me."

"Well, it takes ages to dry and is always in your face one way or another. I don't think it's worth the effort." He was obviously trying to make me feel better, so I dropped the subject without letting him know that I still wanted to try it.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Tay's face scrunched up and his eyes narrowed at the board. "Forgot your contacts?"

"Not really, but lately everything seems kinda blurry." He moved his face forward with his eyes still narrowed toward the board.

"Here, copy from mine." I shifted my notebook closer to his and he settled back in his seat and started copying from mine without another word.

The rest of the lecture passed like this, since I could no longer get away without noting down everything. Walking out of the class I tried to make sure Tay was walking right beside me and not bumping into others. Though, as usual we waited for everyone to leave before exiting the class. Tay didn't really like to be surrounded by people, but I wasn't really sure how bad his vision was, so I decided to be extra careful to make sure he was okay.

"How are you going back?" I asked as we got near the building's exit.

"Gonna take the bus. See ya." He waved and turned to the right to get to the bus stop before he grabbed his bag from behind. He stumbled to a halt before looking back with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll drop you off." I'd already started dragging him toward the parking lot before clarifying, yet Tay just turned around and started walking along with me without much resistance.

We both got into my car and Tay fumbled with the radio until we reached his place. I parked my car outside his dorm entrance as I watched him still fumbling with the radio. I had no idea what song he was looking for but he hadn't stopped and listened to a single song all this while.

Shaking my head, I slapped his hand away from the knob. "Get off. I'm going home today. And don't forget to get your eyes checked before the gig."

Tay looked outside in shock before looking back at me. "Thanks." He threw me a smile and jumped out of the car.

He turned around to wave at me and I reminded him again. "Don't forget to visit the doctor."

He didn't reply, instead waved once again and entered into his dorm's building.


You're beautiful. Thanks for reading!

Alpha's Blue (BXB)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant