Chapter Nineteen

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"Why do you keep barging in my room without knocking?" I questioned Marco, remembering the way he had forced me to get up in the morning.

"'Cause a kid doesn't need to knock before entering his mother's room." He shrugged.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I stopped in my tracks and turned to him.

"You're our Luna now which equals mother figure for all of us." He smiled, looking at the woods before meeting my gaze. "So, you are like my mommy and I'm your prettiest child." He said, winking at me.

I almost gagged. "I'm a guy, idiot."

"Doesn't matter to me, Mommy." He clasped both of his hands in front of him and came closer to me.

"You're impossible." I huffed in annoyance and started walking to get away from him.

"Mommy, don't leave me!" He whined in a high pitched voice, trying to sound like a child.

His weird voice only increased my pace and he continued to shriek while following me until I was running and trying to get away from him. He ran after me, intentionally keeping just enough distance between us to make me want to outrun him. Although I knew it wasn't humanly possible to get away from him, I ignored his complaints and ran like my life depended on it.

"Mommy!" He shrieked again when my pace slowed down and I pushed myself to run faster.

As soon as I entered the clearing, I saw Nicolas' broad back near the middle.

"Help!" I barely let out in between the pants and moved my legs even faster to reach him as soon as possible.

He seemed to have heard me and turned around almost immediately. His eyes widened when he saw me and started moving forward with his arms extended as if ready to catch me.

My legs gave out before I could've reached him and I landed in a heap on the ground. I felt someone move me to the side and helped me lie on my back. I kept my eyes closed and gasped for air with my mouth open.

"You won't believe this." Marco laughed from somewhere nearby. "He ran all the way here."

Marco continued laughing until a low rumbling sound was heard and it silenced him immediately. I smiled wide despite my exhaustion when I realised the source of it. Nicolas started caressing my hair and I savoured his gentle touch quietly until I felt like I could talk again.

I glared at Marco as soon as I spotted him standing in the corner. "You say that again and I'll punch you."

He let out a loud laugh. "Sure."

"Say what?" Nicolas asked from my left.

Marco's laugh got even louder and I felt myself blush. "Uh, nothing."

Nicolas raised an eyebrow and my heart started pounding again even without the exertion. "He is an idiot." I said, trying again to convince him to let it go.

Much to my dismay, Nicolas didn't stop looking at me and neither did his hand stop caressing my hair.

"He- uh, I- he said he's my child." I blurted out and closed my eyes before turning my head to the side.

Nicolas' hand stopped moving in between my hair and I closed my eyes tighter. I wanted to run away and hide somewhere until I heard Nicolas laugh beside me. His hand shook on top of my hand and I relaxed.

I slowly turned my head back to face him and beamed at him. "I told you, he's an idiot."

"I'm still here, you know." Marco coughed from where he was standing.

Nicolas and I both chuckled and I moved to sit down properly. His hand slipped down from my head until it rested between us on the ground. I found my gaze returning to it every few seconds and soon I was staring at his hand from the corner of my eyes.

Just as I felt courageous enough to reach for it, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Dejectedly, I got my phone out of my pocket and answered it.

"This exam stress is gonna kill me!" Tay whined from the other side.

I grinned hearing his voice, suddenly realizing how much I missed him.

"Come back already, Blue. I can't study on my own anymore." He continued his whining and I heard him turning off the music in the background.

"I told you I'll get back on the weekend." I answered, reminding him once again.

"It's just a few more days. Why can't you come back today?" He asked, sounding desperate.

"Come on, Tay. It's just a few more days. Hang in there." I sighed and got up before walking to the side.

"Tomorrow then? Please?" He tried again.

"I'll be with you all day before the exam. Just keep marking your doubts until then, okay?" I assured him.

He let out an extra loud sigh and I shook my head at his dramatics.

"Fine. But you'll have to help me all day."

"Done." I grinned, finally relaxing again.

"Is there anything else or can I go now?" I turned around to look at Nicolas and found him already looking at me.

"Blue? You there?" Tay questioned from the other side, snapping me out of the trance his hazel eyes had put me in.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm here." I closed my eyes and looked away to keep my focus on Tay instead.

"You are listening now, right?" He asked again, making sure.

"Yeah. I am." I answered, assuring him.

"Can you help me solve this question? Just this once, please?" He pleaded.

"Yeah, sure." I walked further into the woods, trying to ignore the urge to meet his eyes again.

Tay ended up making me solve questions for him for almost an hour. By the time I went back to the clearing, Marco had already left and Nicolas had moved under the shade of one of the nearby trees. He sat with his back leaned against the trunk and I sat down beside him, placing my phone in between us.

His eyes were closed and his head was resting against the tree.

"You asleep?" I leaned against the tree as well and looked at his still closed eyes.

"Just thinking." He whispered with his eyes still closed.

"About?" I turned my head to look at his face and unconsciously shuffled closer to him as quietly as possible.

When he didn't reply, I rested the side of my head against the tree trunk and gawked at his beauty. I noticed a scar right above his eyebrow, barely visible even from such close distance. Another one lined the side of his neck and a few more ran down the side of his face.

Just as I was about to ask him about those, he started talking first.

"Nothing important."

"You sure?" I asked, prodding again.

He hummed in reply and his eyes moved underneath his eyelids just before he opened his eyes. His eyes widened slightly when our eyes met and he noticed the distance between our faces or the lack of it.

I pulled my head back hurriedly and looked away in embarrassment. "I was just-"

His chuckle stopped my rambling just in time before I could've embarrassed myself further. "It's okay."

When I still didn't respond, he pushed his shoulder against mine. "I get it. It's the same for me."

His words brought a smile to my lips and I relaxed against his side once again.


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