Chapter Twenty Six

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"Hey, Blue." 

I answered and placed the phone between my ear and the shoulder while I used my hands to snatch the blanket from still asleep Tay. "Marco? Oh, hey."

"Can you not sound so disappointed?" He groaned. 

"I am not disappointed. Just surprised." I said with an embarrassed chuckle. 

"Yeah, sure." He let out, sounding bitter. 

"So, how are you? And everyone else?" I questioned, placing the blanket back in the closet. 

"Everyone and everything is good. Tobias was bugging me about wanting to talk to you." 

Hearing Tobias' name made me smile. "Oh, where is he then?"

"Mommy really doesn't want to talk to me…" He grumbled. 

I stopped in my tracks and my eyes narrowed. "Call me that again and I'll hang up." 


I shook my head at his antics before walking back into the living room to get Tay's pillow as well. 

An idea popped up in my head when I saw the still asleep Tay squeezing the pillow in his tight grip. "Actually, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." 

"Yeah?" Marco asked, sounding curious. 

"Well, you see…" I trailed off, trying to create suspense. 

"What is it?" He inquired again. 

"I was thinking…" My smirk widened when I realized he was starting to get annoyed. 

"What?" His irritated voice confirmed my first victory, so I finally continued. 

"I was thinking that, what if you and my friend Tay are mates?" I uttered each word in a leisurely manner. 

I struggled to hold in the laughter when he didn't reply. "Don't tell me you're blushing." 

He exhaled loudly before answering. "The next time you wanna say something idiotic like that, don't lie and say that you were thinking. Say that you read something in one of those dumb book of yours again and thought it'd be cool if it came true as well." 

"Hey, my books aren't dumb. Plus, those books are the only reason I didn't freak out and believed you so easily." I retorted. 

"Fine, not dumb, but far-fetched for sure." 

"You know what's far-fetched? Werewolves." 

"Touché. But my point is that the way you met Nicolas was cliché enough. Our pack probably can't handle any more of that and I definitely can't." 

"Spoilsport." I answered, mimicking him from earlier. 

"Yeah, whatever. Forget thinking that you'll get to order your friend around as his Luna." 

"I didn't even think about that." I answered honestly. 

"That's the issue." He muttered under his breath. 

"What?" I snapped in disbelief. 

"Oh look, Tobias is calling me. I'm gonna help him. Bye!" He laughed out loud before hurriedly hanging up. 

Placing my phone on the table, I walked over to Tay, completely peeved. 

Shaking him awake, I interrogated. "Tay! You're still straight, right?" 

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