Chapter Twenty Five

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"There's one more thing I need to know." Tay said after a few minutes. 

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up from my phone. 

"Is there a reason why you didn't contact me much this past month? I mean, I get it you had a lot to catch up with your Grandma and everything-"

"I met this guy and it got kinda complicated in the beginning. I know that's no excuse but so much happened and I just didn't want you to worry about it." I answered him truthfully. 

"A guy?" He straightened his back and questioned in surprise. 

I nodded in reply. 

"You didn't call me once because you were busy with a guy? The whole month?" He asked with narrowed eyes. 

"Now that you say it like that, it sounds bad." I lowered my eyes, feeling guilty. 

"Because it is. Who does that?" He asked, sounding pissed. 

"Stop acting like you haven't left me to sit alone when you were busy hitting on Mariel." I retorted, trying to reason. 

"You said you were okay with it." He said, reminding me. 

"That's not the point." I huffed in annoyance. 

"I thought you didn't wanna talk because you were finally done with my bullshit." He said in a low voice before leaning his head back again. Closing his eyes, he let out a sigh. 

"Don't guilt trip me..." I started but trailed off when I caught the look on his face. 

"Fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you just because I was having an existential crisis, even though you've done the same in the past." 

"Existential crisis?" He asked incredulously. 

"I'm sorry." I apologised again. 

None of us said anything for a while. Tay kept his eyes closed until his stomach started growling. Both of us chuckled hearing his stomach growl. 

"How about some food? You're clearly starving." I asked with a smile before getting up to plate the food. 

He chuckled before nodding. "Yeah."


"Can I see him? Your guy?" Tay asked, helping me carry the empty take-out containers to the trash can. 

"His name is Nicolas. And no, I didn't get a picture of him." I shrugged. 

"What? Why not?" He stopped in his tracks to face me. 

"Well, I wasn't sure if he would be okay with it." I explained. 

"What kinda young guy isn't okay with a picture or two?" He wondered out loud before resuming our walk. 

"He isn't particularly fond of technology." I replied, walking beside him. 

"Sounds like a weirdo to me." He mused. 

I pushed him away with my shoulder. "Shut up. He's not a weirdo." 

"Fugitive then? Scared he'd get caught?" He questioned, sounding serious. 

"None of those." I snapped at him in annoyance and fastened my pace to walk ahead of him. 

He laughed from behind me before running over to walk beside me again. "I'm just worried." 

"There's no need. He's a good guy and I like him. Grandma knows him too." I tried to assure him. 

"Is that who you were talking to earlier? In the car?" He inquired. 

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