Chapter Thirty Four

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"You're staying over?" Marco questioned from behind me, once again stepping out of nowhere and startling me. 

"Stop scaring me." I hissed, holding onto my chest feeling my heart race rapidly. "And yeah, that's what Nicolas is discussing with Maya over there." I pointed in the direction Nicolas and Maya were standing in the distance. 

"Yeah, I heard them, that's why I asked." He took the seat beside me on the logs surrounding the campfire crackling in the middle. 

"I have been thinking about this for a while now, but what do you all do when you need to be in private? Out of earshot?" I wondered out loud as I stirred the content of the pot hanging above the fire. 

"Are you trying to ask where do we have sex?" Marco retorted, chortling. 

I chose not to reply, instead I focused my attention to keep the content of the pot from boiling over. 

"Well, there are a few more free houses in that direction." He pointed toward the opposite side of the clearing. "Mates spend their heat there. It's quite deep in the forest, so it's completely out of earshot." 

I looked in the direction he was pointing and I saw nothing but lots of trees in the dark. "What's it called?" 

He hummed thoughtfully before answering. "I don't know. Maybe our elders had a name for that part but none of us ever heard it. Probably because none of us was old enough to know about it and then they never got the chance to let us know." 

"I shouldn't have asked." I answered, regrettably. 

Marco bumped his shoulder with mine before moving away. "You can ask me whatever you want." 

"So, Nicolas will be staying there as well?" I questioned, hesitantly. 


I looked back at Nicolas and saw him still talking with Maya. I couldn't see any of their expressions because of the dark and I wondered what they were talking about. I looked over to Marco and saw him looking there as well with an unreadable expression on his face. I had never seen him looking so serious before. 

"You okay?" I asked before I could've stopped myself. 

He quickly changed his expression and smiled at me. "I should be the one asking you that. You must be nervous, right?" 

"I'm trying not to think about it. I'm afraid I'll back out if I do." I responded, honestly. 

Marco moved his hand over to my back and gave me a few pat. "I told you, heat or not, Nicolas will never do anything that might make you uncomfortable." 

"I know that. It's not that I don't trust him. It's just..." I trailed off, not knowing how to explain my worries. 

I was glad when Marco didn't reply. I couldn't even figure out how I was feeling in that moment much less explaining it to someone else. 

"Where's everyone else by the way? I haven't seen any of them since we arrived." I questioned suddenly noticing the unusual quiet around us. 

"Sleeping." Marco shrugged beside me. His gaze still in the direction where Nicolas and Maya were standing. 

"Already?" I looked over to him in disbelief. 

Marco nodded quietly. "Werewolves need more sleep than humans to function properly."

"But the last time I was here, they were all awake." I was puzzled remembering the last time I was around. 

"They stayed up for you. If they had known you were going to stay over they still would've been awake." He supplied instantly. 

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