Chapter Twenty Nine

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"You don't want to talk to him, but you don't want to avoid him either. What other option is there, Tay?" I questioned him in annoyance before stuffing all the books in the cardboard box placed nearby. 

Even after I had finished emptying the bookshelf, Tay still hadn't replied. 

"Tay?" I walked over to him before placing the cardboard box on the floor. 

"Professor Weber wants to meet both of us." He answered, looking up and pushing his phone towards me. 

I looked at the screen in confusion before handing him his phone back. "Why?" 

Tay shrugged and stood up beside me. "We shouldn't keep him waiting. Let's go." 

He was already waiting for me in the parking lot by the time I locked the apartment. Following him, we both sat in the car and drove out of the parking. 

Surprisingly, Tay didn't even touch the radio for the first half of the ride. I was quietly waiting for him to start messing with it as always but to no avail. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts and continued to look outside the window beside him. 

My gaze drifted to him every now and then and I couldn't help but worry about him. "Tay? You okay?" 

He didn't reply. His still figure made me wonder if he even heard me. "Tay?" I called out again, louder this time. 

When he still didn't respond, I resisted the urge to shake him to get his attention. Despite the nagging feeling in the back of my mind, I decided to let him be until he's ready to talk again. 

I quietly hummed to myself for the rest of the way before parking in the university's parking lot. Turning off the engine, I waited for Tay to realize and get out on his own. Drumming my fingers on the steering wheels, I sat in silence until his phone started ringing. 

It seemed to have done its job as Tay finally turned to me in surprise before getting his phone out of his pocket. Picking up the call, he gestured for me to get out before getting out himself. 

On our way inside the building, Tay barely said anything over the phone except a few 'yes' and 'no'. Just as we reached outside Professor's office, Tay stopped beside the closed door. 

He covered his phone with his hand before speaking to me. "I'll be there in a minute." 

Before I could've even nodded, he had already turned around and walked away. I knocked on the door before entering and greeting Professor Weber sitting behind his desk. He gestured me to take the vacant seat in front of him with a smile on his face and I complied. 

"Have you started searching for any jobs yet?" He asked once we were done with the small talk. 

I shook my head before letting out a 'no'. 

"And Mr. Reyes?" He asked before picking up his phone and typing something on it. 

Thinking about the last few days I had spent with Tay and how he had been too preoccupied with Aaron to deal with anything else, I shook my head again. I was pretty sure it wasn't even on his mind, just like it wasn't on mine. 

Just as I was about to let him know that Tay was on his way as well, a knock resounded through the door before Tay walked in. Both of them greeted each other and the Professor asked him to take a seat beside me. 

Professor Weber put his phone down before nodding. "My acquaintance is starting up a company and he has asked for students who might be interested. It'll be a paid internship until you are ready to start working as an employee." 

When none of us said anything, he continued. "I can't think of anyone else but the two of my best students for this job. Think of it as a headstart for your career. Since you'll be looking for a job sooner or later, why not give this one a try? Even if it doesn't work out, at least you'll gain experience from it." 

After giving us a moment to think, he spoke again. "If you are interested, here's his card." He bent down slightly to open one of his drawers on his desk and placed a card in front of us. "Contact him and he'll arrange an interview for both of you as soon he possibly can." 

"Thank you so much for your help, Professor. We'll get in touch with him right away." Tay answered politely as he picked up the card off the table and placed it in his pocket. 

Professor nodded with a smile, obviously pleased from Tay's obedience. 

"I wish you both all the best for the future." Professor Weber said before picking up his phone again. 

Tay and I uttered 'thank you' before getting up and walking out of his office. 

"That was weird." I muttered under my breath once the door was closed behind us. 

"He's just looking out for us. Nothing wrong with that." Tay corrected me a few seconds later. 

"I get it. But I wasn't expecting this." I tried to explain. 

"Me neither. But I say we should give it a try. The student loan isn't going to pay itself." Tay replied somberly, silencing me instantly. 

I nodded in agreement before getting into the car. 

"Drop me off at Aaron's. I'm going to talk to him." He informed me before fastening his seat belt. 

I turned to him in surprise. "Right now?" 

Tay nodded without meeting my gaze. 

"Are you sure?" I asked again, trying to gauge his mood. 

"Yeah. He lives nearby, just follow my directions." He responded monotonously. 

"Alright." I agreed reluctantly before pulling out of the parking lot. 


"Is he even home?" I wondered out loud, looking over at Aaron's house in the distance. 

"Guess I'll find out." Tay answered my question before taking off his seat belt and opening the car's door. 

"I'll wait here." I told him hurriedly just as he was about to exit the car. 

He stopped in his tracks before shaking his head. "It might take a while. I'll take the bus, I need some time alone." 

I opened my mouth to disagree but Tay quickly continued. 

"I'll call you, okay? Drive back for now." Tay reassured me as he quickly shut the door behind him. 

I watched him rush across the road and take quick steps towards Aaron's house before driving away unwillingly. 


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