Chapter Twenty Two

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"I'll- uh, Marco has my number. You can talk to me using his phone if you feel like it." I muttered under my breath as I walked beside Nicolas. 

"I know you don't like phones and all. I get it, it's not your thing. I'm just saying, in case, something urgent comes up-" 

"Blue, I'll call you." Nicolas said before pulling my hand closer to his side. He turned me to face him and chuckled. "Even if nothing urgent comes up." 

Using his free hand, he pulled me into a hug. "How else do you expect me to be without my mate?" 

"I'll miss you." I whispered, burying my face against his shoulder. 

He rested his chin on top of my head and rubbed my back with his free hand. "I know you will. Just as you should know that I'll miss you as well."

I untangled my hand from his to hug him properly and breathed in his addicting scent knowing that I was going to miss it a lot the next two months. 

He tightened his hold on me now that both of his hands were free and I closed my eyes wishing for the moment to last as long as possible. 

"The sun is about to set." He informed me a minute later. 

I hummed to let him know I heard him but made no move to let him go. 

"You'll be late." He reminded me again. 

Contradictory to his words, his hold on me didn't loosen. It made me smile and I just hummed again in reply. 

"I'll be worried if you end up driving all night." 

This time I had to let go. I pushed myself away from him and sighed. "Fine. I'm leaving." 

He rubbed the back of my head with his hand before he took a step back. I grabbed his hand in mine before pulling him along with me. He walked beside me until we reached the last row of the trees. 

Standing at the edge of the wood, I let his hand go and waved at him instead. "I'll see you soon." 

"Drive carefully. And let us know when you get there." He said, stepping closer to me. 

I laughed at his words. "You sound like my Grandma." 

He kissed my forehead without a word and whispered again. "Be careful." 

I nodded, tongue-tied and flustered. 

"And all the best for your exams." He said before kissing my forehead again. 

I nodded again and he grinned, stepping back. 

"Get going now." He gestured toward my house. 

"Uh, yeah, bye." My mind had turned to mush and I could already feel my face getting warmer. 

I picked up the pace and started walking in the direction of my home. 

"Bye!" Nicolas yelled from behind once I had gotten halfway past the backyard. 

I turned around and waved back at him. He pulled his hand down and leaned against the nearby tree. When I continued to watch him, he gestured to remind me to start walking again. 

I smiled, feeling flustered and turned around quickly to get back home. 

I managed not to look for him again until I had reached the back of my house. I noticed him still standing on the same spot as before with his hands crossed across his chest and despite the distance I could almost see the smile on his lips.  

I stole another glance at him before walking to the front and entering inside. 


"Be careful and give me a call when you reach there." Grandma said, standing at the front door after I had put my bags inside the car. 

Her words reminded me of Nicolas and I couldn't help but laugh. 

Grandma raised her eyebrow, questioning my sudden amusement. I shook my head and gave her a hug before getting in the car. 

She waved, looking at my car until I pulled out of the driveway and disappeared from her sight. 

At my first stop, I quickly texted Tay to apologise for not picking up his phone before and to let him know I was on my way to ease his worries. I had witnessed his anxiety before each and every exam countless times before and now I almost thought of it as my responsibility to ensure that he wasn't freaking out too much about it. 

He replied immediately with a few celebrating emoticons and I sighed in relief when I realized that he wasn't mad at me for not picking up his call before. I text him the approximate time I would get back before switching off my phone and start driving again. 


Just as I was about to look for my apartment's keys in my backpack to let myself in, the door opened from inside. Tay hugged my still shocked figure before picking up the bags from my side and walking back inside. 

"Hey." I greeted him as I threw myself on the couch in the living room. I rested my legs on the table in front before slouching further into the couch. My legs felt almost numb after that long drive and I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. 

"Don't fall asleep. Eat this first." Tay moved a steaming bowl of pasta in front of my face. It smelled delicious and I suddenly realized how hungry I was. 

I cracked open an eye to take the bowl and settled it beside me. "Thanks." 

"I'm not gonna sleep. Go get the books, we should get started." I pushed with my elbows to sit straight again. 

"You can't even keep your eyes open." He chuckled and sat down beside me. "Eat and go to sleep. I'll wake you up in an hour or two." 

I lifted my head off the back of the couch with a groan. "No, no." A yawn escaped before I could've stopped it. "I'm fine." 

He didn't say anything. He just pushed the bowl in my hands again before getting up and walking away. 

"Where are you going?" I questioned, stabbing blindly in the bowl with one of my eyes still closed. 

"To clean up your room. I doubt you can even do that right now." He answered before opening my room's door and walking inside. 

I had barely finished half of the pasta in the bowl before Tay came back and gestured toward my room. "It's all clean now. Go take a nap." 

I thanked him with my mouth full of pasta and he shook his head looking at me. 

"Why do you look so tired by the way? Didn't sleep last night?" He came over to sit beside me once again. 

I swallowed the food in my mouth before nodding. "I couldn't sleep the whole week." 

"What were you doing?" He questioned, seeming surprised. 

"I was busy…" I trailed off, placing the bowl on the table. 

"With?" He prodded. 

A smile took over my lips as I thought about the entire week I had spent in the woods. 

"Stuff." I grinned, before closing my room's door behind me. 


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