Chapter 59: Breaks

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

"Byeong-ah." You called, placing the phone on your ears. 9 days full of work was so tiring. "How are you?"

-A phone call

"I'm fine." He says as you fix your things, not noticing the ice in his voice. "You?" His replies were shorter, and you were getting tired.

"I'm tired, but fine. Listening to your voice brightens up my day." You said with a big smile, laying down on your soft bed. "By the way. I think I can clear up the schedule during our anniversary. 5 days to go before our 1 year!"

You were getting sleepy even though you wanted to talk to him more. "I know. We were strong." His voice was blank yet you were just happy to hear him to notice that. He was a big part of your world.

-A nearing special event

"I don't think we can go outside? Is it okay with you if I prepare a simple meal here?" Your eyelids were falling slowly. You needed sleep.

"It's okay. I'll make sure to arrive there the night before-." Sehun stops, hearing your soft breathing. You are asleep.

"I'll miss you." He says before ending the call. He will surely miss you.

The next day was more hefty for you. You had to do everything that was scheduled today plus the schedules that was supposed to be done 4 days later. You wanted to be with Sehun so much.

-Too much

You almost fainted. 10 consecutive days of work was too much for you. You were not a robot or some sort that can do all the things assigned without getting tired. You were human.

You beeped your pass word, ready to wash up and go straight to bed. You wanted to get a good amount of sleep. Up until now, it still wasn't solved.

You opened your door, setting your shoes down. You look up to see a lovable figure, a smile immediately brought upon your tired face. "Sehun-ah."

-He is present

You were in contact with him for these past days. You felt so sorry for him. You would fall asleep when he was still talking, study lines when he was listening and watching. You were happy he was able to stand you.

This was the first time he sees you. Whenever you call him, you with switch the cam to the back. You were worn out yet was still the prettiest. Your hair was messy and your clothes still looked like one who came from shoot. You were wearing a light makeup yet you were stained with tiredness.

-A barrier

You smiles as you ran to your boyfriend, engulfing him in a big hug. Tears started streaming down your eyes as you felt his warmth that you had been longing for these days. He was the medicine that you needed.

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