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Prompt given to me by : @Golden_6 thank you 🤗

Mama, can I stay home today?" 15 year old Beyoncé whined in her deep voice as she packed her backpack with the homework she just completed during breakfast.

"Solange Piaget Knowles! If I don't see your butt down here in two seconds!" Tina Knowles yelled to the top of the stairs.

"Stay home for what?" Tina came back into the kitchen searching her child's face for any signs of sickness.

"Because mama none of those kids like me. Can I just get one day off?" Beyoncé slammed her body into a chair and tossed her backpack towards the floor.

Tina stared at her daughter like she had three heads then simply went back to cutting up some vegetables for dinner later that night. She would have to spend all day at the hair salon that she owned and wouldn't have time to do it later.

"Oh sure. You can stay home." Tina chopped a carrot unnaturally fast.

"I can?" Bey stood up in excitement.

"Yeah sure baby. I got two clients at 1pm that I accidentally double booked. You can do some box braids for me. She wants them long." Tina didn't even have to look up to know that her child's face was horrified.

Beyoncé hated helping out in the shop. She would throw a fit even if she was asked to sweep some hair up claiming to be a superstar in the making and something about child labor laws. Pssh.

"I'll pass." Beyoncé slumped in her chair once more.

"Mom, I still don't understand why I have to go to private school and she doesn't." Eleven year old Solange entered the room staring down at her white collared top and blue and white plaid skirt.

"They're taking away all of my creativity." Solange tucked her shirt into her skirt and flipped her long straight hair onto her back. "I mean look at these shoes!"

"It's because you're bad and I'm not." Beyoncé sat up prepared to argue with her little sister this morning.

"Bey just because I can voice my opinion on things does not mean I'm bad. The only thing I'M bad at? Is choosing wack outfits." She pointed to her older sister's poor choice in clothes. How were they even related?

Beyoncé glanced down at her dark denim jeans and black tank top. Seemed like a regular outfit to her.

"And you wonder why you have no friends." Solange laughed and opened the refrigerator.

"SOLANGE! What did I tell you about that?" Tina slammed the knife down on the counter. She was tired of these two fighting day in and day out.

"What happened now?" Mathew Knowles entered the kitchen in his pajamas like he's been doing for the past six or seven months since he was fired from his job. He never left the house and hadn't even started to look for another job. He left everything financially on Tina which they usually would split in half.

Tina rolled her eyes and continued to chop up the vegetables. Mathew came behind his wife and it wasn't lost on Beyoncé how she shrugged off his advances.

"Solange grab an orange or something and eat breakfast at school. With all that money I'm paying for tuition the meal better be gourmet." Tina handed her youngest child a banana and closed her fridge.

"You said orange." Solange looked at the fruit in her hand.

"I know what I said." Tina folded her arms and sat into her hip.

Solange stomped off and grabbed her backpack
"Come on lame." She mumbled, passing her big sister on her way out the door.

"Don't forget your blazer!" Tina yelled after solange.

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