When It Rains It Pours For Real

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This chapter is everywhere sorry in advance but thanks for your view!


Okay so let's jump back in....

"Daddy!" Solange ran to her father as the room filled with complete silence except for Chelsea who went on and on about any and everything.

"And O.M.G don't even get me started on Crystal she's on a whole other level of boy crazy. I remember when sh-" Chelsea looked to Beyoncé who stared straight ahead at Matthew and quickly read the room shutting her mouth as well.

Every eye was trained on Matthew as he bent down and gave his youngest daughter a chaste hug. "Hey Solange." He barely permitted her eye contact as he patted her back with faux affection; instead he held Tina's dismayed gaze. She couldn't wrap her mind around him actually being mere feet from her. Was this real or just a stressed induced delusion standing before her very eyes? He couldn't possibly have the audacity to show his face after not being there for his daughter at her lowest. Not after that horrid custody letter she'd received in the mail. Tina's nails dug into her palms as she opted to calm her nerves.

Doris swallowed hard as she took in the mans dejected appearance. She could hear her spasmodic heart beat in her ears as she sat frozen in place on the small couch that she occupied. The velocious drumming in her chest created the perfect ambience for her now astonished mood, allowing her cluttered mind to go haywire along with the heartache and misfortune that rendered her entire body completely numb.
He's gonna take her.
He's gonna take her.
He's here to take my baby.

The Doctors vision blurred.

"Daddy! Look! I made their outfits. Mommy pays me and everything. Oh and earlier I made sooo much money selling the t-shirts that my friend Ryan and I made." The child pointed to the stack of cash in Tina's trembling hands with a wide smile. "You wanna see one?"

Matthew expertly ignored the child's offer instead he peered at the money with raised eyebrows. Tina glared at him then placed the money in her bra with accusation clouding her vision. She watched her child slave over those shirts and she'd be damned if Matthew were to try and swindle her baby out of her hard earned money like he did her time and time again.
"What are you doing here?" Her voice was thick with anger but for the sake of the children she did her best to sweeten it up just a little.

"Came to support them on their shoot. I saw the information on their website so I decided a congratulations was way over due." The lie slipped from his tongue with ease and familiarity. Truthfully, he'd planned this very moment. His lawyer informed him of the latest day that the women should receive the paperwork and he couldn't wait to show his face...especially to Doris Ms. High and mighty

A sly smile crept onto the side of his face as Tina simply stared at him. If she opened her mouth she didn't know what would come out. A video shoot brought him back to Houston? Not the disgusting camera footage that was on practically every media outlet that there was for weeks? Not the many calls from Solange just wanting a conversation? Not the constant and terrible dreams Bey had that Tina informed him of? Not even that his 11 year old daughter had been threatened by gang members and that his oldest daughter was attacked AGAIN at a fricken courthouse of all places But a damn VIDEO SHOOT? Tina did her best to control her breathing the urge to spit in his face was to great. Her mouth watered with the fantasy.

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