Sensitive About My Shit

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(Gifs were used to show emotion don't mind the age/clothing)

So you must think you grown leaving my house without asking?" Mathew spoke up as Beyoncé walked into the house.

Beyoncé didn't know what to say as she stared at her father who sat at the kitchen table in his pajamas. She was only gone for a couple of hours and it wasn't even that late. It was only 10pm. Then again she'd never stayed out that late because she never had friends.

"You don't hear me talking to you?" Mathew leaned forward.

Although Tina seldomly found herself taking matters into her own hands, Mathew was the real disciplinarian in the family. Prior to that week her children couldn't remember the last time they're mother laid hands on them. The most she would do is fuss at them but she quickly realized that her lax parenting style did nothing for Solange. She had worked her mother's very last nerve that week.

"I-I " Beyoncé stammered. She could see that her father was beyond pissed.

"And what do you have on?" He stood approaching the teen unusually fast. 

Beyoncé backed up not wanting his huge hands to come flying her way. He usually whooped them with a belt but the look in his eyes said anything was up for grabs that day. She low key hid the song lyrics behind her back.

"Who bought this...this whore outfit?" Mathew took note of the girl's low rise pants and became furious.

'Whore?' Beyoncé thought.

"Solo made it for me" Beyoncé did a once over of her clothes trying to see what her father saw but to her they just looked like regular clothes.

He spun her around.

"Your whole back is out." He harshly turned her to face him again.

"Daddy this style is in! This is the 90s" Beyoncé retorted. She wasn't about to sit there and be berated by her father. She dealt with that enough at school.

"Not in my house... and who is this 'friend' you went to see dressed like this?" Mathew folded his arms.

"Where's mama?" Beyoncé needed her mother there to calm her father down. She could see the pit bulls barking in his eyeballs.

"On her way...who's this friend?" Mathew inched  towards his daughter who clinched the papers in her hand.

"A friend from school... she's a girl." Bey sat into her hip making Mathew notice the papers.

"What is this?" He snatched the papers out of her hand.

"It's nothing! Give it back!" Beyoncé reached for the papers. She hated when people read her song lyrics it was such an invasion of privacy.

Mathew held her against the wall as he quickly skimmed the papers.

"Daddy, give it backkk." Beyoncé cried as she angrily reached for the lyrics. It was the first thing she had done with her first friend. She wanted to treasure it forever. Mathew held his hand to her shoulder harder.

"Is this what you think of me? Trifling? Good for nothing?" He looked at the paper and quoted the lyrics.

"It's just a song daddy. We were playing around." Beyoncé hugged herself letting the tears fall down her face.

"Playing around? PLAYING AROUND?" Mathew screamed in her face.

Beyoncé could see Solange at the top of the stairs from where she stood pinned to the wall by her father. She was crying.

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