War Scar

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"Beyoncé!" Tina yelled her daughter's name from the threshold. Why did her kids always feel the need to make her fuss? They were completely capable of getting up for school on time yet here she was early in the morning raising her voice.

"Beyoncé Giselle!" Tina tried one more time before she was gonna pull the child out of her bed.

"Huh?" Beyoncé mumbled as she tossed in the bed and pulled her covers up to her face.

"You know what. Get your butt out the bed and into the shower...now" Tina added before closing the door. Beyoncé didn't move one inch. If only she could get five more minutes.

"I don't hear movement!" Bey heard her mother's slightly distorted voice through the closed door and jumped out of bed.

"I'm up!" She went into her bathroom and showered.  Taking a look in the mirror the teen recoiled at the ugly bruise on the left side of her face. She remembered how dramatic her mother was when she saw it and rolled her eyes.

She decided to put some edge control on and toss her hair into a high top knot making sure it was tucked tight enough so that no one could put another pencil inside. Her thoughts went to Kelendria and how she took the pencil out of her ponytail. SO EMBARRASSING!

 Bey dragged her feet towards her dresser and picked up the first thing that she saw

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Bey dragged her feet towards her dresser and picked up the first thing that she saw. A Tommy Hilfiger crop top and some stone washed high waisted shorts. She decided to wear her white Tommy Hilfiger gym shoes to complete the outfit.

She heard her mother and little sister talking in the kitchen as she entered.
"So the project is due next wee-" Solange stopped mid sentence as her sister entered the room. She dramatically assessed the older girls outfit with her arm outstretched as if it held a heavy purse in it.

"Surprisingly, I'm not mad at it." Solange addressed her sister as she finished off a bowl of captain crunch.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes as she grabbed a bowl for herself.

"Thank you Solange. Although no one asked you," Beyoncé stated, taking a seat next to her sister. "Good morning mama"

"Morning baby you look cute today."

"Why y'all acting like I didn't already own these clothes?" Bey was low key annoyed.

"It must be this strange sight of seeing you with your hair done or something...I don't know though." Solange sat in her hip and tapped her chin "Or it could be th-"

Beyoncé threw an apple narrowly missing her sister's head.

"Alright don't start nah!" Tina scolded both girls. "Go pick that apple up girl." She told Bey. "And cover up that bruise...always messing up your face tripping over air."

"Good morning ladies." Mathew entered the kitchen in his pajamas as usual.

"Morning daddy." Solange smiled.

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