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"Ow! Hyung, that hurts!"

Currently, Taehyung was seated in front of his vanity, getting his hair tortured by Jin and Jimin. Having no other choice, he had quickly called over all three of his friends to help him get ready.

"If you want to blow Jeongguk away, you have to look like royalty."

"But I don't want to blow him away."

"Yep, and I'm Brad Pitt's wife."

Taehyung chuckled at his Jin hyung. He looked up at him, but his chin was jerked down by Jimin who was in front, trying to do his makeup.

"Quick, Tae. We haven't even thought of an outfit yet!"

"Okay, okay, I'll hold still..."

- - -

After one hectic hour, Taehyung stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes widened and a soft gasp left his lips.

Jin and Jimin had done their job. Taehyung looked like he belonged in a castle.

"Oh, my baby's growing up!"

Jin fanned himself dramatically as he got hugged by Taehyung. Jimin smirked, proud of their handy work.

"Thank you guys so much, I couldn't have done it without you."

"Yes we know, Taebear. Now go! Fulfill your destiny!"

Taehyung giggled at his friends' goofiness. He took one last look at himself in the mirror.

His silver hair had been teased into soft curls, falling gently around his head. His eyes glittered a bright golden auburn, outlined with smoky eye shadow. His skin was smooth as porcelain with a gentle blush at the top of his cheeks. His suit and pants were pressed against his body, showing off his sculpted curves and legs.  

"Kim Taehyung, if you don't move right now, I will carry you downstairs."

Taehyung smiled wide and hugged his friends once more before he went downstairs.

"Finally, let's go Tae. The party starts in—"

Hoseok stood and choked on his can of Sprite. Taehyung patted his back and laughed.

"I know, Jin hyung and Jimin did magic."

"Well, damn. Jeongguk is one lucky man."

- - -

Their car pulled up at the where the party was being held: in the penthouse of one of Jeon Corporations biggest partners.

"I'm sure Jeongguk will want you with him to explain anything."

"I'm nervous, Hobi."

"Don't worry, Tae. I was right about you getting the job and I'm right about this too."

Taehyung smiled and hugged his hyung. 

"Call me if you need anything."

"I will, and have fun with Yoongi!"

Before Hoseok could retort, Taehyung took off into the crowd, leaving him behind. He started looking for Jeongguk's familiar tousle of curly black hair or any thread of his deep voice.


"Chaeyoung! I was getting worried... Do you know where I can find Mr. Jeon?"

"Actually, he sent me to find you. Come on, follow me."

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as he followed Chaeyoung away from the smell of the alcohol and sweat.

"The lower level is for people to enjoy themselves and get drunk, the decisions are made a level up, away from the chaos and ruckus,"

Chaeyoung said over her shoulder, making sure Taehyung was listening. Taehyung nodded and grit his teeth to break free from the cluster of tightly-packed people.

Once they were safely in the elevator, Chaeyoung turned to look at Taehyung more closely.

"You look really nice, Tae."

Taehyung blushed and smiled. 

"Thank you, you're looking beautiful as well."

The elevator dinged and the atmosphere was the stark opposite of the level below. The ceiling was dimly lit, and soft conversations filled the large room. The scent of maple and vanilla floated through the air.

"This way."

Taehyung followed as Chaeyoung led him to one of the many secluded rooms on the floor. 

"Now, Mr. Jeon has many clients to meet tonight, so be prepared to do a lot of talking."

Taehyung gave a a firm nod and knocked on the door Jeongguk was supposedly behind.

A pale man opened the door for him. His eyes were dark and his hair reminded Taehyung of black bean noodles. 

"Yoongi, who is it?"

'Yoongi' spread the door wider, revealing four other people. Two men about their age, Jeongguk and a girl, who was clinging to his arm, fingers intertwined.

- - - - -

ooooo draaamaaa~

pls that pic of tae at the beginning like sir calm the fck down

it's true jk is a very very lucky man

well im ready to write some good tea for the next chap

see u guys then

thank you for reading


- cks

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