thirty two.

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Jeongguk awoke to the tapping of a branch against his window. It was a quiet, windy day and leaves swayed on the arms of trees. He propped himself up on his elbows, eyes half open, looking over the room. 

The floor was dark and cold when Jeongguk walked across it, gathering all of the things he had left in disarray last night. 

It was fifteen minutes before Mina would arrive, so Jeongguk made his way down to make himself breakfast. He managed to toast two pieces of bread and fry an egg, before Mina came in, transforming it into an elaborate french toast dish. 

While he was eating, Mina stood close by, noting his quiet demeanor. When he placed his plate in the sink and was about to walk off without saying a word, Mina stopped him, calling out softly.


Jeongguk turned with a blank face, not irritated, but just....empty...

"What's wrong? Are you alright?"

Jeongguk smiled sadly and shook his head, meeting Mina's concerned gaze.

"Just missing someone, Mina. Don't worry..."

A smile lifted Mina's lips, and she leaned against the counter-top with dancing eyes.

"Ah, I see....I'm sure he's missing you just as much. Why don't you meet him?"

Jeongguk's eyes lit up for a second, before retaining their dark chocolate color. He shook his head again and pouted slightly.

"He must be tired, he was working late last night..."

"Then go cuddle him."

Jeongguk smiled at Mina's bluntness and looked up with more color on his face. Mina smiled too, knowing she succeeded in cheering Jeongguk up, even if it was for a little while.

Then, Jeongguk's phone lit up, it's default ringtone playing through their small space. He picked it up from the place he was sitting at the dining table and answered it.

"여보세요? (Hello?)"

"Jeongguk? This is Hoseok."

"Oh, did you need anything, hyung?"

"Ah yes, I'm sure you know Tae's birthday is coming up..."

Jeongguk smiled at the thought of his lover. He hummed softly.

"Well, we were all thinking to have an afternoon out. Just us six, for the day before..."

Jeongguk's face flashed a warm honey tan, his pale complexion gone, and eagerly agreed. Hanging up, he met Mina's gaze with a wide smile.

"I'm going over to Tae's place. If you'd like, you can take today off since I won't be home."

Mina bowed slightly and returned his smile, picking up her phone and bag.

"Alright, Jeongguk-ssi. Take care!"

- - -

Taehyung walked around in his fluffy gray sweater, his sleeved hands clasped around a steaming cup of hot chocolate, and sat down at his coffee table, looking out of the window in the living room. 

A gray blanket was draped across the sky, with glimpses of a bright blue underneath. The pines in front of his building moved back and forth from the wind. A warm glow flooded through his house, wrapping its arms around Taehyung's frame. 

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