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Jeongguk paced along the empty hallway, phone in one hand, and banana milk in the other. His head pounded as a painful headache blurred his senses. He wanted to sleep so badly, but he had pending matters to attend to.

He groaned and tossed his phone on the sofa, clutching his hammering head with his free hand. His phone vibrated and he crossed over to it at the speed of light. He sighed, irritated when he saw that it was just an Instagram notification. 

He longed to see Taehyung's name pop up on his screen. The boy had seemed so distant lately at work, and he only responded to Jeongguk's prompts with one-line answers. His beautiful smile had ceased to exist and he hadn't texted him for a week now—they had exchanged numbers at the party.

Jeongguk hadn't either, but only because he didn't know what to say. He knew it was for the best that he didn't, he would just mess things up more. 

Hi, Taehyung. I just wanted to check in with you, you know, to make sure you're okay—


Dude, are you okay? You seem kinda off—


Taehyung! We need to meet up! There's this new project at work and—

Jeon, you sound like a maniac.

But, beyond that, Jeongguk had seen a hickey on Taehyung's neck the day he started avoiding him. It looked...angry... like he had rough sex or something. But, did people normally change that drastically after sex? 

Maybe... he isn't happy with his boyfriend? Maybe he's hurt. Maybe his boyfriend hurt him. Maybe someone else did...? 

Well, whoever it was who hurt Taehyung, Jeongguk promised that when he finds them, they would pay dearly.

His ringtone blared from his phone. Without looking at the caller, he answered it immediately, hoping for Taehyung's deep voice to come through.


Jeongguk sighed. He forgot he had left a missed call for Hoseok, to ask about Taehyung.

"Hi, Hoseok hyung,"

"What's wrong? Why did you call me?"

"I just wanted to ask about Taehyung. He seems a bit down lately."

"Really? He looks fine to me."


"Yeah, he's his normal, bubbly self. He hasn't changed."


"Why? Is he sad around you? Did you do something?"

"No! I mean, I don't think so,"

"Why don't you ask him out to coffee or something? You guys can talk it out."

"I thought he doesn't like coffee?"



"How do you know that?"

Jeongguk widened his eyes. He can't say he told Yoongi to figure out more about him.

"He j-just never asks for coffee at work, so I just assumed."

"Oh, okay. I'll tell you about his favorite café. Take him there."

"What if he refuses, hyung?"

"He won't, he loves that place, and plus, he's completely free this entire weekend. There's no way he'll say no,"

"But wouldn't it sound like a date?"

"Kook, it can be whatever you want it to be."

Jeongguk smiled.

"Thanks, hyung. I appreciate it."

"No problem, bro."

Jeongguk sighed, laying his head back, his headache had dulled a bit, after figuring Taehyung was doing fine. But why was he only acting cold towards him? Was it the party? Did something happen? 

But never mind that. Right now, all Jeongguk was focused on was asking Taehyung about that "friendly date". 

A ding sounded from his phone and the address of the café lit up on his screen. He smiled and sat down, trying once again, to figure out what exactly to say. After an hour of painful brainstorming, he sent this:

Jeongguk: "Hi, Taehyung. I need to talk to you. Could we meet up at Euphoria?"

Okay, he might have sounded desperate, but that was what he was. Desperate to see Taehyung. Desperate to see his smile and hear his laugh. Desperate to touch him.

A smile slipped onto his face as he remembered how happy Taehyung looked when he hired him. His lips were heart-shaped around his teeth, making a rectangular shape. If it was possible to fall in love with a smile, Jeongguk was a goner for Taehyung's.

He was still dreaming when his phone vibrated, alerting him to a text. Happiness flooded through his body when he saw Taehyung's contact name on the screen. He tapped it and it gave way to the message, and at that moment, the sound of his heart shattering was the loudest thing in the room.

Taehyung: "I can't, I'm really busy this weekend. I'm sorry, sir."

- - - - - - 

oOoOoO shots fired

whats gukkie gonna do poor babie

this happened to me once but i was tae not jk

comment lots guys i love reading them 

toodles :)

- cks

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