forty one.

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The overwhelming smell of the hospital enveloped Jeongguk as he sped down the halls of the building. The blinding white tiles against the harsh overhead lights burned into his eyes. Glancing at the ascending numbers, he climbed the stairs, flight after flight. 

When he got to the 5th floor, he pushed past the heavy, swinging door, letting it close with a loud bang behind him. The people on the floor shot him annoyed looks, but it was as if they weren't there. Jeongguk ran forward with only Taehyung on his mind. 

But as he approached the end of the hallway, where room 537 was, his footsteps slowed and doubt flooded his mind. 

"Would Taehyung even want to meet him?"

Jeongguk frowned and was suddenly aware of the pounding in his head, the adrenaline wearing off. 

"He'll be surrounded by his friends, those who he holds close... Did he have the right to be a part of Taehyung's life again?"

Jeongguk was at a walking pace now, the door only inches away. Taehyung, only inches away. His pale hand gripped the doorknob tightly, and he took a deep breath before pushing in.


The latter's head moved towards him slowly, a dazed look in his eyes. His frame was so small, nestled underneath the thin sheets like a child. Jeongguk let out a small sob and gathered the boy in his arms, his overwhelmingly familiar scent refreshing him. He dug his nose into his lover's delicate shoulder, drinking him in slowly. 

A beat of silence passed before two small hands pressed themselves onto Jeongguk's back. He felt their warmth through his thin dress shirt and he couldn't stop his eyes from filling with tears. 


He pulled back, meeting gazes with those brilliant auburn eyes he had missed so much. They too were glistening with tears, a drop running down Taehyung's rosy cheek. Jeongguk, by reflex, reached up to brush it away. Taehyung held Jeongguk's hand up to cup his cheek, holding it in his, the latter softly caressing his pastel skin with his thumb. 

A loud cough sounded from the edge of the room. Both of their heads turned and Jeongguk just realized Hoseok, Jimin and Seokjin were in the room as well. Seokjin smiled softly at the tender scene and walked to the opposite side of Taehyung's bed. He kept his eyes on Taehyung's leg as he sat down, making the mattress dip. 

"Now Tae, don't start crying again. We don't want the doctor to cut our time short." Taehyung's eyes gleamed and Jeongguk turned back to his lover. He took a shaky breath and held both of Taehyung's hands in his. His eyes grew bigger when he saw how tiny his palms seemed in Jeongguk's broad ones, bright blue veins snaking along the edges. 

Taehyung turned his gaze towards Jeongguk's curious actions, tracking his every movement with his large orbs. 

Jeongguk brought their hands to his lips, delicately kissing each of his fingers, whispering against his soft skin. 

"Tae-ah, I'm so sorry... I've missed you so much, please don't ever leave me..." A single teardrop fell on their intertwined fingers. 


Jeongguk's head shot up, not believing what he heard. 

"Did he just speak..?" Jeongguk looked at his lover with a shocked smile, matching his tender look.

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