Part 13

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"Oh Arnav, you innocent boy." She laughed as she kept on stroking his thighs making him get more scared.

"You my dear are born in a rich family, this money you have is going to make you just exactly like you father. You are going to do a lot of horrible things with this money I bet and when you do, I promise you will remember me very well." She laughed.

"Why are... you... doing... this?" He stammered nervously.

"Oh Darling, have you never been taught this? There are two kind of people in this world, the rich who can make the poor dance on their tunes, and the poor who have two options, dance on the tunes or make their own tunes and make the rich dance, guess which one I am." She smirked.

"All this for money?" Arnav asked.

"What else do you think? A woman needs money to survive in this terrible world." She laughed

Arnav stood up and rushed away immediately as he locked himself inside his room trying to escape the torture his father had brought home for him.

It looked like his father was too blind to see what was happening to his son inside his own house, only if his mother would have been alive, then he could have had someone to tell what was happening to him and someone to help him.

How long did he have to go through this torture?


He woke up all sweaty from the nightmare and looked at his phone that was still vibrating, he picked it up and saw the screen flashing with an unknown number.

"Hello." He said as he received the call wondering who was calling him this late.

"Arnav! Thank God you picked up, please hurry, we are at the hospital, something happened to Anjali all over a sudden and we had to rush her to the hospital, please come soon." A lady on the other side of the call said.

He stood up from his bed immediately, asking the name of the hospital he rushed to the guest room to wake Khushi up.

"Khushi! Wake up! We need to go." He said as he walked inside the room, Khushi sat up looking at him in confusion as Arnav rushed towards her, grabbed her hand and pulled her along outside.

"What happened Arnav? Why do you seem so worried? Where are we going?" Khushi asked.

"Anjali is at the hospital." That's all he said, after that he dint speak even a word. They both got into the car and drove straight to the hospital.

Once they were at the hospital, Arnav parked the car and ran inside while Khushi followed him behind, she had no idea what had happened to Anjali or if she had any conditions from before so she was quite confused but she dint try to ask questions because she dint want to make things harder for Arnav.

"Anjali Raizada?" Arnav asked the receptionist who told him which room she was admitted in, he rushed up the stairs to the third floor where he met Anjali's friends.

"What happened?" Arnav asked.

"We don't know, she was doing well, we all were playing stupid games and then she fainted, we tried to wake her up but she wouldn't respond so we brought her here." One of them said.

"What did he doctors say?"

"Nothing yet, they are still inside."

He rushed towards the room and peeped in through the little glass window placed in the middle of the door, the doctor was still examining her.

"Is she okay?" Khushi asked as she walked closer to Arnav.

"No idea yet, I hope she's going to be okay." Arnav looked really scared, he was at the verge of breaking down.

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