Part 29

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He pressed the door bell and Tara opened the door, she greeted him with a smile and let him in.

"Khushi is in the shower, you'll have to wait." She smiled.

"No worries." Arnav nodded as he settled down on the sofa. Khushi has started feeling a lot better by the evening after the doctor injected her, he had stayed with her until night and then once she was asleep he headed back home, he hoped she was feeling good today so he could at least go out with her, his first day with her was already over, he had just six left, and he wanted to spend those six days around her only, because those were going to be the days he was going to remember for the rest of his life after all this ended.

A while later, Khushi walked out of her room all ready for today, she was wearing a casual denim skirt with a white top and sneakers to go with it, she looked well too, like she hadn't been sick just yesterday, it was like she got well overnight.

She looked really beautiful, and fresh and the smile she had on her face was beautiful. He was literally seeing her in a different light, she wasn't the Khushi that he used to live with, that Khushi was stressed and worried, this Khushi seemed peaceful.

He could understand the difference though, the day when they got married, she was exactly like this, happy and peaceful and then he started stressing her up and somehow the glow and the innocence she always had disappeared, but now it was back and he was happy that it was back.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Arnav smiled as he stood up and looked at her with a huge smile.

"Well what can I say, I have a great fashion sense and I'm just happy." She giggled.

"I can see why you chose to start designing clothes."

"Yeah, I always loved that, even when I used to live with my aunt, she wouldn't let me go out so I used to sit in my room and draw random sketches, I never thought of making it a career though."

"Well it's good you did make it your career." Arnav smiled.

It wasn't really a fancy dress up or anything, it was quite normal but he had never seen her this way before, when they were married, she was mostly dressed in saree's so this was kind of different and he had also seen some of her work, which was pretty great actually.

"So where are we going today?" She asked excitedly.

"Just out... to do some random stupid stuff." Arnav shrugged.

"Okay... let's leave then. I'll just have to pass by work first to make sure everything is well." She said, Arnav nodded as they both headed out of the house and downstairs to the parking lot. They got in Arnav's car as he drove her to her workplace first.


Once they were done with the visit at the work, they both got back into the car as Arnav drove off.

"So, where are we going?" Khushi asked.

"You'll see, we'll be there in like ten minutes, it's not far." Arnav smiled to which she nodded and just like he had said, within ten minutes he had parked the car outside a building that was quite hard to decipher. It looked like a church, also it could be someone's house or a hotel or restaurant or something, and there were endless possibilities.

"So, do you know this place?" He asked, Khushi nodded negatively, it did look quite like a church but she wasn't sure, also why would Arnav bring her to a church the first thing?

"Great, you're in for a surprise then, can I hold your hand while we walk in? I know I promised no touching but I just want to see and feel how you'll react and that's only if you agree, whatever you decide." He smiled.

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