Part 22

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Arnav kept staring at this girl who wouldn't stop talking about random things and he was really trying to pay attention but he just couldn't. Every few seconds his mind would get distracted and he would end up thinking about Khushi.

It was strange that even after six months of their separation, he couldn't stop thinking about her or wondering how she was, what she was doing and all that stuff.

"Arnav" Tara waved her hand in front of him.

"Yeah?" He looked at her in confusion.

"I asked if you've ever dated someone before, you looked like you had spaced out. Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry... I don't think I can do this." He said.

"I see, bad past?" Tara asked.

"Horrible. Still trying to move on, I thought dating girls or stuff like that would help but I've been to so many dates and it doesn't seem to help, someone I just can't take my mind off her, I hate it."

"Seems like you're still in love with her."

"No. I was never in love with her." He said plainly. There was no way he could fall in love with the girl that slept with his father, it was impossible.

"Wait, so you're trying to move on from a girl that you weren't in love with? If there was no love, there's no need to move on."

"There is a need if she was your wife."

"What? You are married?"

"Divorced. Look I'm really sorry, I know this turned out to be a horrible evening for you, it's clear that I can't do this, maybe I should just stop trying." Arnav shrugged.

All the dates he had been to, he would mostly leave half way just because one way or the other he ended up thinking how being with Khushi had been easier than all this, she never really had much demands or anything, he dint even have to try, everything always flowed despite his hatred towards her.

"I know it can be difficult. It took me years too, and trust me, sometimes I still feel like I'm not over him completely. I do realize that this isn't working out like a date, but maybe it could work out as friendship, if you're interested.

I mean we seem to have similar pasts and we kind of understand each other, but no pressure, if you don't want to be friends I'll completely understand."

"No... I'd love it. I'm alone most of the times, would be good to have a friend actually." He smiled.

"Great, then let's think of this dinner as a normal outing with friends and not a date."

"I like that." Arnav smiled.


Khushi and Rohan arrived at the hotel where Rohan had already made the bookings. This place was like much known and very famous so it was always full unless you booked earlier, plus there were so many people around it was like overcrowded.

The waiter led them to their table and took their order as he left while Khushi and Rohan sat there talking about stuff.

"So, how's the search for the love of your life going on?" Khushi asked Rohan.

"Still ongoing. I still have no idea where she is or anything." Rohan shrugged.

"Don't you feel like giving up sometimes? I mean you told me it's been years, doesn't it get tiring?"

"Does it get tiring loving your husband despite what he did to you?" Rohan asked, and Khushi got her answer. Feelings were strange weren't they, no matter how much you wanted to get rid of them, they wouldn't just go.

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