Part 39

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"Would you like something, tea or coffee maybe?" Garima asked.

"No, I'd only like some answers." Khushi said strictly.

"At least sit down Khushi, I'm seeing you after so long, you've grown up to be such a beautiful woman. Honestly, the last time I saw you, I didn't think you would look like this right now, you've changed a lot." Garima said.

"Life happens, people change. I mean look at you, you are the best example of that aren't you?"

"I dint change Khushi, I was always like that, just wearing a mask in front of people."

"So, you were always the woman that slept with other married men and ruined their marriages?" Khushi couldn't believe this was the same woman she thought was so great, seriously people wear masks.

"I am not sorry for the things I did Khushi, if you are here expecting me to ask for any kind of forgiveness, I am not going to do that. I did what I had to so that I can afford this lifestyle for myself." Garima said.

"You disgust me seriously, I am even ashamed of calling you my mother."

"I know, how about we get to the point as to why Arnav had me brought here, that too for you. Did you trap him or something? Looks like I might have not been with you a long time, but I surely taught you well." She smirked.

"Oh My God! Seriously, are you even the same woman that I knew? Whatever that is between Arnav and I is none of your business, I am here for answers and I think I'll leave as soon as I get them. No wonder Arnav has always hated you, I've just met you again and I already hate you." Khushi looked at her in disgust.

Seriously, was this woman the same mother that she loved so much? It looked like she was some evil twin of hers and not the same person.

"Why did you do whatever it was that you were doing with me? I remember you taking me along with you to random parties, and I can't remember much about it very well, but I do remember you meeting high class men, usually it was parties with just a lot of men and very few ladies, what was it even about?" Khushi asked.

"I was getting you prepared for the world out there, I was put you out there so that when you grew up, you wouldn't have much trouble getting established as people would already know you."

"What do you mean putting me out there? For what?"

"I always wanted you to have a good life Khushi, I am after all I am your mother, I just wanted to teach you things, how to lure rich men, how to trap them for your own benefits and all that."

"What? I was a kid at that time!" Khushi looked at her in shock. Right now she wasn't even sure whether she felt heartbroken because of all the things this woman did to her or to be angry about how horrible she was.

"You wanted to teach me all that you were doing at such a young age? Are you crazy or what? I was a freaking kid! Who teaches kids things like that?" Khushi asked in disbelief.

"Forgive me for wanting a luxurious lifestyle for you huh, ungrateful!" Garima said.

"I have that luxurious lifestyle right now and I earned it on my own, I studies, I worked so hard every day and got myself a good life, I might not be as rich as you are right now, but with time I will get there and you know what, I did all that without trapping rich men and doing all the crap you did!

I seriously regret this conversation even, it was better to live not knowing why you did the things you did than seeing this side of yours and you aren't even sorry or ashamed you are still proud of it, I mean what kind of a person are you even?" Khushi looked at her in disgust. How could she have been so wrong about this woman? She couldn't stand her any longer, she had a lot of questions yet, but she'd prefer living with those questions than talking to this woman any longer.

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