Chapter 3

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Somehow, I finally managed to fall asleep, but my alarm is buzzing on my nightstand and it feels like I literally just closed my eyes. I reach over to grab my phone and shut the annoying noise off. A couple new texts catch my eye. I slide my thumb across the screen and open my messages. I read a couple from my small group of friends at school. They're all similar, wishing me good luck or saying they'll miss me. The last one I read is from my cousin, Kristin. *So excited for you to get here! I smile to myself as I read it. We've been texting and talking all summer, preparing for this day.

Kristin and I will be sharing an apartment together when I arrive in Boston. Uncle Jack and Aunt Madi actually have a separate apartment above the garage at their house. It was originally an in-law apartment for Aunt Madi's mom, and when she passed away a few years ago they decided to renovate it so that Kristin could stay there while she was going to school. Kristin had been living there alone during her first two years at BU, but there's an extra bedroom, just for me. My uncle and aunt will still be right there at the house, but Kristin and I will have our own space. It's actually been a couple years since my last visit. Last time my parents went I couldn't go with them because of school, so I'm excited to see the new space and where I'll be living. Kristin has sent me a few pictures, but it will be nice to finally see it in person.

I've been packing little by little over the past few weeks, but I don't really need to bring too much with me. Since the apartment is already furnished, I don't need to bring any big household items. I've mostly packed clothes, but I don't even need to bring many of those. The weather is going to be so different from here in California, so I know I'm going to end up needing new stuff. Kristin has already promised to take me shopping for warmer clothes when the winter temperatures hit.

I finally manage to slide myself out of bed and throw on some comfortable clothes for the long flight. I decide on a pair of cropped joggers and a simple slim fitting tank. I grab a sweatshirt and throw it into my carry on, just in case I get chilly on the plane. After taking a quick look around my room to make sure I'm not forgetting anything, I pull my backpack up and over my shoulders and grab a duffel bag in each hand. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I set all my bags by the door and make my way towards the kitchen. Mom has coffee ready along with warm cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit. I take a seat at the breakfast bar and help myself.

"Thanks Mom," I say with a smile. I'm definitely going to miss the moments like this. Kat joins us in the kitchen, dressed in her all black salon ensemble. Her blonde hair is piled up in a bun, but I can still see her pink and purple tips sticking out. She fills her travel mug with coffee before walking over and giving me a tight squeeze.

"I'll miss you," she whispers into my hair. We make promises to text each other every day, even if it's just an emoji. She says goodbye and then she's out the door to work.

I hear Dad in the entry way as the door opens and closes. He walks into the kitchen, "I put the bags in the car," he says reaching for a mug to fill with coffee. He sits down beside me at the breakfast bar and takes a large bite out of a cinnamon bun.

"I talked to Uncle Jack last night and gave him all your flight info, so they'll be there to pick you up at Logan when you land," he says between bites.

The ride to the airport feels abnormally long. Between the butterflies in my stomach and Mom's hushed sighs, I can't wait to escape the car when Dad finally parks. We grab my bags from the trunk and jump on a shuttle bus to the terminal. After baggage check we make our way through security and to the gate. As we begin to say our goodbyes, I've quickly lost count of how many hugs I've exchanged with my mom. She just keeps grabbing my shoulders and looking at me, shaking her head.

Dad pulls me in giving me one large bear hug, whispering, "You're going to love Boston. Don't worry, your mom will be fine. We love you and we're so proud of you." Mom is full on crying now and making a little bit of a scene as Dad tries to calm her.

"I'll call as soon as I land safely in Boston," I promise as I turn to enter the plane.

Once I'm alone in my seat I finally give in to the emotion and let a few tears escape down my cheeks. I pull my iPod from my carry on and push my ear buds into my ears. As I press play, I'm instantly met with Maroon 5 singing "Memorieswhich causes a few more tears to tumble down. Music has always been an escape for me and it's definitely going to help during the long flight ahead. I close my eyes as I lean my head back against the seat, escaping to the sound of Adam Levine in my ears.

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