Chapter 12

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Alone in the apartment I can still hear the faint noise of music and muffled voices coming from the party outside. I'm grateful to have a little time alone to think. I'm feeling confused by everything that happened this afternoon. I thought that Dex had been having as much fun as I was, it was just a little flirting. My break up with Zack had been horrible, but I cut him off completely. I even stopped following him on social media. Maybe Dex isn't really over Rachel yet? I feel a little foolish now for all the flirting, I guess I let myself go a little overboard thinking he was flirting too. Maybe he really was just trying to be nice and make me feel welcome here.

I head to the bathroom and slip from my clothes, deciding a shower is needed to wash the smell of chlorine from my hair and skin. The warm water relaxes me in the way I had hoped it would, so I turn the water off and grab a large towel to wrap around myself. I rub the towel against my skin, drying it as much as possible, then I slather on a layer of my favorite pineapple and melon body lotion. The tropical scent is intoxicating and it makes me think of home. In my bedroom I slip on a pair of clean panties, a pair of capri yoga pants and a charcoal gray camisole dotted with tiny pink hearts.

I sink comfortably onto my bed and flick on the TV as I start to scroll through Netflix. I stop on one of my favorite movies, After. I've watched it a thousand times, but I can't help myself. I love the story of Tessa and Hardin. I hit play and the movie starts. I'm just starting to fall asleep when I hear the apartment door close. Kristin and Luke are trying, but failing to be quiet.

There's a light knock on my door, and Kristin pokes her head inside.

"Mia, are you still awake?" she whispers.

I lift my head from the pillow so she can see that I'm still up and she takes a couple steps closer.

"So...Dex texted me and asked for your number, but I wanted to check with you first before I gave it to him. What do you think?" she asks.

What?  He seems like he's still hung up on Rachel after that phone call and outburst. Do I even want to get involved in a possible mess like this? I can't deny that I had an instant attraction to him from that first time I saw him in the fitness center. I look to Kristin as she is patiently awaiting my answer.

"Okay," I finally decide.

Her eyes are questioning as she asks, "Are you sure? I mean, Dex is a super sweet and nice guy, but you both just came out of really messy break-ups. You saw his reaction to that phone call tonight."

I nod, "I'm sure." Either way, I want to make friends in this group, so it won't hurt for him to have my number.

"Okay," she smiles and turns to leave.

"Goodnight," we both say as she closes the door.

My head finds the pillow again, but now I'm restless. Five minutes ago, I was on the verge of falling asleep, but now I feel wide awake with anticipation. Just because she's giving him my number doesn't mean he'll text tonight. Who knows, maybe he'll never text or maybe he'll change his mind. I really wish I could turn off this inner voice and fall asleep.

My phone buzzes, causing me to jump slightly. I reach over and grab it from my side table. It's a number I don't recognize and I feel my heart speed up instantly. I swipe and read his message, *Hey Mia, it's Dex. Didn't get a chance to say bye earlier. Hope you enjoyed your party, it was fun.

I type my response, *It was fun. Thanks for coming. I really want to say something about him leaving and ask if everything is okay, but I don't want to cross the line.

He types back, *Next time the party will be at my place

I type a quick message, *Are you just telling me or does that mean I'm invited?

I flush, my whole body feeling warm when I read his response, *You have an open invitation. Good night California girl

I smile to myself and type a simple *goodnight then hit send.

I re-read our messages a half dozen times before finally setting my phone back down and shutting my TV off. I close my eyes, but feel like I won't ever be able to fall asleep after our playful texting. Maybe he really was flirting with me today. My mind feels mushy as sleep finally starts to slowly take ahold of me, but my night is filled with dreams of deep brown eyes and swimming pools.  

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