Chapter 34

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When we've finished our fun night of dancing, Courtney leaves with Tyler in her car and the rest of us pile into the Range Rover with Dex and Luke. I'm squished in the middle seat in the back, between my sister and my cousin. I lean over and rest my head on Kat's shoulder, letting my tired eyes close. "You better be good to my sister or she'll leave this cold ass place and come right back home to sunny California," Kat's voice hits my ears causing my eyes to pop open in surprise. What is she doing?

"Don't...don't listen to her," I say but the alcohol causes my words to come out slower than I intend.

Her voice hits me again, "Shhhheee told me that if you break her heart that shhheee'lll come home." I am thankful that no one else says anything and that the rest of the ride is quiet.

When we pull into the driveway at the apartment Kristin decides to go back to Luke's for the night. They made up quickly after their little. It didn't take long once they saw Dex and I together on the dance floor. They leave together in Kristin's car and Kat and I make our way inside, with Dex following close behind me. Kat disappears into Kristin's room to sleep for the night, since she won't be needing it herself. I lean against the back of the couch and reach down, pulling off my shoes and lightly rubbing my feet to relieve some of the ache they are feeling from all the dancing. When I stand, Dex is towering over me and my need for him becomes overwhelming. I reach for his hand and feel the familiar spark as soon as my skin touches his. I lead him down the hallway and into my bedroom. As soon as the door closes his arms wrap around me as he pulls me into him, crushing his mouth against mine.

I break our connection and manage to speak, "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Don't leave me...don't leave Boston. Don't go back to California," he begs.

I don't say anything more, instead I reach down to the hem of his shirt and gently lift it up and over his head, exposing his chiseled abdominal and chest muscles. He tosses it aside and reaches down to his belt, quickly removing his pants. I can see his arousal straining against his boxer briefs, wanting and waiting to be released. He sits on the end of my bed and pulls me into him. Still standing, I look down into his deep brown eyes and feel my body tremble from our closeness. I climb onto his lap setting my knees on the bed, just outside his thighs. I run my hands up and over his arms, sliding my fingers over the smooth black in that flows from his bicep to his shoulder. Clasping my hands behind his neck, I lean forward bringing our lips together.

His lips are soft as they move with mine. I open my mouth just enough to allow his tongue to slip in. I can feel my desire pooling beneath me as his hands grip my hips, sliding the sides of my dress up. I lift myself slightly as he slides my panties to the side and his fingers glide over me, causing a small moan to escape my lips. He pulls back from our kiss and stands, setting me back down on the bed alone. Walking over to wear his pants landed on the floor, he reaches into the pocket pulling out a small square package.

I look at him curiously, "Why did you have that in your pocket?" I ask.

His beautiful smile flashes lighting up his face, "I guess I was hopeful we'd make up." He slides his boxer briefs down and shakes them free from his feet as he tears into the wrapper. I reach down, removing my own panties and then toss them to the floor.

"Come here," I say and he's immediately back on the bed with me. His lips find mine and the fire ignites within me again. He moves over me and fills me entirely. My eyes meet his gaze as our bodies collide over and over again. Every time with Dex has been amazing, but there is something different about tonight. His movements are full of meaning as the passion we have for each other consumes us. I moan his name as I slip over the edge, and my body begins to shudder underneath his gentle touch. His breathing deepens as he finds his own release, collapsing on top of me. He holds me in his arms as I snuggle deeply into his chest, feeling completely content as I allow my eyes to close.

All too soon, daylight is filtering through the curtains and although I don't want to, I open my eyes. I feel a slight ache behind my eyes, but thankfully it's nothing like the headache I woke up with yesterday. Dex's warm body is still beside me, tangled together along with the blankets. I glance at him admiring the peacefulness of his sleeping face. I slip from the bed and quietly find my way into the bathroom. Glancing in the mirror, I'm surprised by my own reflection. I figured I would look like a ragged mess, but my skin is actually glowing. I run a quick brush through my hair and pull it up into a loose bun before popping the top off the bottle of Tylenol. I swallow two pills before making my way to the kitchen. I decide to brew a pot of coffee, figuring between the three of us we might need extra this morning. As the coffee brews I grab three mugs from the cabinet and the bottle of creamer from the fridge. I fill two mugs for me and Dex and leave the third on the counter for Kat to use when she wakes. I add creamer to mine and move back towards the bedroom.

Dex is up and pulling his jeans on when I push through the bedroom door. His eyes meet mine as I hand him the steaming mug. I know we need to have a talk to clear up the mess from the past couple days, but I don't know if I'm prepared for what he might say. He had said that he missed me and last night was incredible, but what if he changed his mind? I feel a tightness wrap around my chest as the anxiety grips my body. Dex sits back on the edge of the bed, leaning forward slightly as he grips his coffee mug between his two hands. When he finally looks up to my face, his eyes look glassy.

"Mia," his voice is soft. "I know you've been hurt badly before, and the last thing I ever want to do is hurt you." His words have my heart practically beating out of my chest in anticipation. It's unbearable not knowing what he's going to say. "I wish I could take back the way I acted at lunch on your birthday. I wanted to take it back as soon as I left the food hall, but then I was afraid to call you or text you because I figured you wouldn't want anything more to do with me after that." His words are coming out rushed, like he can't get them out fast enough.

I look at him, unsure how to react. Listening to his voice and watching his facial expressions I have no doubt that he's sorry and he's probably been torturing himself over the past couple days. I don't think he would ever hurt me intentionally. Before I can respond he speaks again, "I literally met you only weeks after I ended things with Rachel, and what she did to me had seemed agonizing at the time. I was hurt and humiliated, but then I met you and I knew in that instant that you were someone special. I told Luke, but he thought I was crazy. He told me there was no way I could be in love with you already, but then he saw it. When I was around you or anytime we were together, he could see it and he knew it was real. When my parents met you, they both saw it instantly. I'm so sorry for how I acted. I think my reaction came purely from what Rachel did to me and I know that wasn't fair to you, especially since you've been through the same situation. I need you, Mia. Please let me make it up to you."

Tears were gathering in my eyes as he spoke and I let out a large breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I still didn't know what to say. His honesty was overwhelming. Setting his mug on the floor, he opened his arms to me, "Please come here." I set down my own mug that I had forgotten I was even holding, and walked towards him slowly. Climbing into his lap, his arms wrap tightly around me and I let my head fall to his shoulder.

"I love you," he whispers into my hair.

I lift my head and look deeply into his eyes before bringing my mouth to his. His tongue pushes through my lips and begins to caress mine. His lips are soft but just as needy as my own, creating an unbelievable sensation through my body. I carefully break our kiss to look at him again. Tears begin to spill over as I realize that this all could have been over days ago. We were both afraid to hear what the other was going to say and when he finally did reach out, I avoided him which only made it worse.

"I'm so sorry Ididn't talk to you sooner. I love you, Dex,"I apologize because I am sorry too. Iknow he wasn't the only one who made a mistake here. I lay my head back on his shoulder, taking comfortin his embrace. 

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