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CHARLIE SWAN'S life had not gone the way he had planned it

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CHARLIE SWAN'S life had not gone the way he had planned it. Rather from the very moment he had laid eyes upon Renee Dwyer everything he had ever planned for himself was gone. His life was upturned and never would be the same again. The charming woman with the pretty blonde hair, startling blue eyes and personality which would drag you in had completely taken over his life.

Their wedding had been rushed, as they attempted to start their adult lives much faster than either were ready. And that continued rush for the relationship continued for the entire duration of their marriage. They were not married overly young, not for small town folk getting married at age 19. But they had their first child only a year later and their second just 9 months afterwards.

Therefore, it should have been no surprise that just like their relationship began in a rush, it would also end in a rush. And just two years after the birth of their second child and four years into the marriage it was over. The couple had split, each having won custody over one child. And just like she had come hurdling into his life, Renee had gone hurdling out of Charlie's life. Along with her their eldest daughter.

And when he laid his eyes upon his youngest daughter, he promised himself to give her the life he had wished she could have had as a complete parental unit. He knew he would raise her spoilt, and as the years passed and he lost more and more contact with his other daughter, he put his all into his youngest. And Charlie would let her know, that she was his everything.

Life with Veronica, was very easy. She had been a relatively easy child growing up, never being unruly, never breaking his trust. They held a close bond like he had hoped he had with his own parents. Though he often found himself late at night wondering just what his life would have been like had he had both of his children with him. If he had got to see both of them grow up, if the sisters got to spend time together and grow rather than just the occasional holiday. He wondered if perhaps he had also raised Bella if things would have turned out differently to the way they eventually played out.

But he wouldn't know any of that until he received the phone call, the one he had been wishing for for years.

Both of his girls would be living under his roof, where they should have been all this time. And the bonus, coming with his eldest daughter was his little grandson. 

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