The invitation and the possible reason

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"Jacob put that down! I swear to god, put it down." Veronica's voice called out through the kitchen window of the Swan household. For pottering around on the front lawn a heavy bag of cement in his arms was none other than Jacob who only two weeks prior had been laid out with an entire right side of his rib cage smashed into multiple fractures. He turned to her with a large smile as he threw the bag of cement up and down a couple of times to show her he could carry it. She knew he healed fast but she wasn't sure he had actually healed properly from his injuries and could not stand to see him injure himself again. She continued to stare at him hoping he could see through her gaze how unimpressed she was regarding this whole situation. Though he stuck his tongue out at her and turned around to go and put the bag down next to the small cement mixer they had out front. 

"It's like I'm dealing with two toddlers." Veronica spoke as she walked out to where Jacob was currently stood outside the house. When she reached him she was pulled into his arms.

"See I'm all healed up, stronger than I've ever been." He tried to convince her but Veronica was not 100% convinced, after all she was sure she had seen him wincing earlier on and was sure he wasn't quite healed, plus he was still not back doing his normal patrols at the moment told he wouldn't be able to shift for at least another month to ensure his body was healed enough to allow the changes. 

"Sure you are." She hummed back as she looked out to the current project he was undertaking with a couple of the other pack members, who were yet to actually arrive.

The family had decided the pot hole which had formed on the driveway really aught to be covered up. Especially considering Matthew liked to ride his toy car up and down it and this hole made it unsafe. Therefore, with a little bit of persuasion, actually it was just finding a day when enough people would be free to do the filling and resurfacing, they were able to do so. However, with the actual danger the concrete presented to a very curious two year old, it was either keep Matthew inside or find somewhere to take him. Luckily Billy had stepped in very quickly claiming he was lacking in hours with his grandson and wanted to have a day, with just the two of them, on the reservation. Veronica and Jake was sure the older man was spending the day introducing the toddler to the legends for the first time and they were going to be dealing with a two year old who just wanted to be a wolf by the time they got him back that night. 

"Let's get inside it looks like the others are running a little late." Jake had suggested as he took Veronica's hand and led the teenager into the house. 

It was less than a two minute walk which would take them from the front yard to the lounge. The pair slouching on the couch as soon as they entered and turning their attention to the TV. Sure they could have done absolutely anything considering it was only the two of them in the house, yet neither of them really felt like it. Spending time on their own doing something as mundane and simple as watching a random show on the TV was more than enough for them. Considering where they had been two weeks ago, this was something for a moment neither was sure they would get to have again. 

"There's an episode of the Apprentice on Vero, do you want to watch that?" Jake asked as he flicked through the channels at a rate which was so fast Veronica couldn't even register what each channel was showing before he was on the next one. Surprisingly this wasn't a new habit that came along with the other superhuman traits, no Jake had been like this since his early teens and Veronica had just adapted to allowing him to just decide what he wanted to watch and putting up with it. They both had a soft spot for the show which was the Apprentice, neither liked Donald Trump but the overall show was a decent amount of entertainment. Plus they liked to place bets each episode on how they thought would be going home. 

"Sure my love go ahead." She agreed instantly knowing he would only continue to flick through the channels until he saw something else that took his fancy. And that could take another ten minutes or so to do so.

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