A national holiday and a Surprise

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Christmas Day 2007 was going to be a big day. Only Veronica didn't know this herself. She was completely unaware just how big this day was going to be. It was a well harboured secret of what the day was going to bring. To her knowledge this was just going to be another Christmas,  her third with her son but not any special one. 

To her knowledge it was just going to be the normal people in attendance, Billy and Jake who had been coming for years now, her mother and Phil would also be in attendance this year. She supposed it was because Bella was not up in Phoenix meaning that it would only be the two of them, so this year her mother was coming to Forks. That in itself was exciting because her mother had only spent Matthew's first Christmas with them two years ago and that was only a very quick visit for she was driving and it was a long drive back to wherever their next stop on the baseball tour was. It would also give her someone to talk to in the kitchen whilst she was the one cooking. 

That was where she found herself, stood in the kitchen checking everything that was supposed to be cooking was actually turned on and doing okay. Her mother perched upon the table talking to her idly as they waited on the food. The boys were in the living room in front of the TV watching some sort of highlights of the games, she wasn't really sure but as long as they weren't stepping on her toes she didn't mind. She could hear them trying to explain what was going on to Matthew who would cheer whenever some sort of point was scored irregardless of the team who scored. 

"Do you know if your sister is going to be joining us?" Renee asked her youngest waiting to gauge the reaction, she hadn't heard much from the younger girl about her elder sister since the wedding which was in contrast to what they had all thought. Most were convinced she would be hearing from Bella who would beg her younger sister to take in baby number two. 

"I'm not sure Ma', last I heard they were going to be travelling back to forks for the Christmas period but I'm not sure if they are going to see Edward's family or not. Bella hasn't really been in contact much." Veronica sighed out, it was true she had heard maybe twice from her elder sister but that was it, not that she had expected much. The last thing she had heard from Bella was that the second baby was a little girl and Bella was excited to have a daughter. This was a massive kick in the face considering she still refused to even consider Matthew her son or anything but she was willing to have this second child. 

"Her and Edward are still together?" Renee questioned and Veronica turned to look at her mother, did she not know, had Bella not been in contact with their mother.

"Did you not know? He's sticking around for some reason." Veronica's response was short and you could hear her distaste to the entire situation that was going on. The truth was that she was aware that Bella was supposedly the vampires 

"And the Newton kid?" 

"Local gossip says he travels back and forth to the appointments but I'm not sure." Veronica added on a little uncomfortable with her mothers questions considering she wasn't really sure what was going on in her elder sisters life, she wasn't overly concerned about this as she had been kept in the dark about a lot of things as of recent but this still remained the same. "Can we talk about something else Mom?" She tried to move the conversation away not knowing what else to tell to her nosey mother. 

"Of course, that strapping lad of yours, hmm?" Renee tested the water wondering what her daughter would say.

"You mean the idiot I'm hopelessly in love with? Honestly mom its like I'm raising two toddlers most of the time. He came home the other day after receiving detention on the night he was supposed to pick Matthew up. Want to know why he got detention?" Veronica muttered out she did love the boy but he was a handful.

The life and lies of Matty and I - J.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now