The sister and a newborn

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AS THE MORNING dawned on what appeared to be a relatively normal day in January, the returning birds chirped and the wind blew gently. Crisp voices could be heard as people bustled with their normal routines, coffee was passed and conversation passed in a gentle non urgent manner as people adjusted to the sharp reality of the morning. Things remained as they usually did in the small town of Forks, where just like every small town things rarely changed, routines went unadjusted and uninterrupted.But change was on the horizon for the very small town. And as the population set to rise by two, things would also never be the same again. For the small population change would come along with large harsh shattering of reality as the veil which kept so many of the inhabitants of the town away from what was really surrounding them was pulled from their grasp. 

For the Swan household, this morning in January was not the same as it had been every other day for as long as they could remember. And this was because it would be the two new inhabitants of the small docile town would be moving into their moderately sized three bedroom house. The move had been planned for a few months now just under three as it was this amount of time required to not only organise the flights and moving but also to prepare the house ready for new inhabitants. The two current members of the Swan household, lived in not unkempt quarters, it was no where near messy or something to be ashamed of. However, it was not a home in which a small child could grow up in. There were many things which needed a general update to begin with and then there was child safety things that they had to do before either but especially Charlie was happy to allow a baby into the house. 

The house the Swan's lived in was only a three bedroom house, well it had only become a three bedroom house when a small office had been converted into a spare bedroom a few years back. And it was soon to hold four people. And despite in theory the two new inhabitants being able to share one room, Charlie had not wanted this. And therefore, a fourth bedroom had to be made. And general construction had to begin on the house to allow for a staircase to be put in so that the attic could be converted into a fourth bedroom. Construction had taken over a month to just complete and had turned out to be a much bigger project than either of them had expected. But now it had been completed it had been something worthwhile.

And following the decoration of the newly created room, the youngest member of the household, Veronica, had gotten the bite of interior design. Which had resulted in no room being left undone. And the dwindling of the savings account of the patriarch of the family. Sure perhaps some of the rooms didn't exactly need that much of a revamp, and sure it would have saved him money yet Charlie Swan allowed for it all to occur. But it was not because he felt as though he house did need all the work doing to it that it ended up having. It was the chance it provided for him to get to spend time with his youngest daughter, give them a shared project they could both dive into on the evenings and weekends, pick up and drop whenever they had time. Charlie having felt important that they did this together before the dynamic of their day to day lives changed. 

Charlie had never kept what was going on at his house a secret. It would be difficult to hide the large house wide redecoration to begin with. And he was simply way too excited to tell people the reason for his decoration and increased mood. The confirmed reality that his eldest daughter and first grandson were going to live with him for the foreseeable future was everything he could have ever dreamed of. There was always a part of him ever since the divorce which had been nagging that he should have done more to have both of his children under his roof. Every time his eldest daughter visited and he had heard what living with her mother was like, Charlie had regretted not fighting more at the initial divorce hearing and had fought more to get his eldest, Isabella, back under his roof. But it had been an unsuccessful fight, and visitation soon stopped when Charlie had got more and more evidence. And the next thing he knew, Bella did not visit for over two years and his youngest, Veronica, was no longer allowed to visit her mother and sister. 

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