The prelude to a storm and a confession

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The evening spent at Emily's as a pack had been a mixture of calming and stressful. How was this even possible, Veronica thought she could never feel that way. But being around the others  distracted her enough to forget enough about the upcoming fight, just enough to calm her down. They were after all a group of jokesters and had the personalities of at most a group of six year olds, including the arguments of food. But alas someone would mention something relating to the following day and boom back into the mindset of everything that could go wrong. Veronica had no clue what she was going to do if today was her last day of this lifestyle. The last day she loved someone who wasn't her son or her father. 

Thoughts like these were enough for Veronica to cast her eyes to the person sat beside her. Jake was slouched slightly on the sofa next to her but much of his slouching was prevented by the weight of a 2 year old. For Matthew was curled on his caregivers lap fast asleep his head pressed into Jake's chest the natural heat the shifter provided being enough to lull the toddler to sleep. He had dosed off maybe 10 minutes prior after having being chased around by the other boys in the pack, each one enjoying their time with the toddler who was able to lift everyone's spirits despite the whole looming situation. Matthew looked so peaceful as he slept obviously showing his comfort around the teenager who had also stepped up to raise him when his birth mother gave up. She knew that the only thing that truly prevented Matthew being fully claimed as part of the Black family line was the legal issues though in everything but paper form he belonged to that family just as much as he belonged to the Swans. 

She could recall the first time Matthew had called Billy grandpa. It hadn't been too long ago as Billy hadn't really referred to himself under that name, not wanting to force it on the young boy. It had actually been about 6 months ago when Matthew was about 18 months old when he had first said that name in reference to Billy. The older man having let out tears of joy at the sound of that name and then spoilt the toddler. Matthew truly had everyone around him wrapped around his chubby little fingers, almost everyone he met would bow down and do anything for him. Nobody had the ability to refuse the deep brown eyes of the boy who had the brightest smile and a scattering of little freckles on his face. Especially if he ran to you in his favourite yellow dinosaur coat and matching yellow wellies. 

Her staring at the two sat beside her hand not gone unnoticed, for her hand that was resting beside her next to them was suddenly picked up. A set of fingers intertwined with her own as her hand was brought up to Jacobs mouth, he placed a small kiss on her knuckles. Something so mundane sent her heart into a frenzy. Something so small, showed just how much she cared for him, wanted him with her. 

"You alright there gorgeous?" He questioned as lowly as possible to not alert the others to what was going on between them and to not disturb the sleeping toddlers. 

"I'm just admiring." Was her response she spoke lowly but was aware that the majority of the others in the room had superhuman hearing and could hear their conversation word for word. But this evening was not one to tease a couple for being incredibly close, for it was being mirrored in every pair in that room. And then Embry and Quil who had taken it upon themselves as the 'most eligible bachelors' in the pack to cosy up to one another. But it was only a bromance nothing more. Or so they said. 

Nearly 40 minutes after he had fallen asleep Matthew suddenly awoke with a fright. His eyes were wide as tears gathered and Veronica slide herself even closer so her and Jacob were pressed side to side. Ready to comfort her son in any way possible. When the toddler pushed himself back from where he was pressed she watched as he looked up and stared at Jake for a couple seconds, before he turned his head and looked her straight in the eye. 

"What is it baby? What happened?" Her voice was gentle as she reached out to rub soothingly on Matthew's back.

"Daddy was gone. Bad guys took Daddy away from Matthew and Mommy." The toddler cried out as the tears began to stream down his cheeks. Veronica glanced to Jake for it seemed the toddler had been listening more to the conversations around him than they had thought for. She wasn't sure what to tell him, she couldn't promise that it wouldn't happen because that was the fear which rotated in her own mind. 

"Oh no my little boy, I'm not going anywhere. You and your mom have me forever." Jacob promised and Veronica too wanted to relive his words more than anything. 

"Hear that Matty, we're all okay. You're okay, shh baby go back to sleep." She continued to soothe and felt herself letting a sigh out when a few minutes later he was back asleep. The pair didn't stay at Emily's much longer noticing how the time had slipped into much later in the evening than they had expected. 

By 9pm they were all back at the Swan household, Matthew was very quickly tucked away in his own bed. The small family of three had greeted Charlie who was in the kitchen putting together his fishing gear. For with some cunning team work Billy and Charlie were heading out a couple hours west for a day of fishing. To their favourite out of town spot just until the early evening when everyone hoped the fight would be over. 

"Staying the night again Jacob?" Charlie had questioned the pair with his eyebrow raised, obviously suspicious of their sudden increase in time together late at night. 

"Yeah, Matthew had a really ugly nightmare when he napped earlier and is now convinced he was going to wake up to find Jacob dead. So I thought if he was here in the morning that would squash those ideas really quickly." Veronica jumped in quickly knowing this was also a thing she would probably have to sort out in the morning but it worked well in the current time. It wasn't like she could just blurt out to her father the only reason Jacob was practically living in the house was because there was a massive vampire army after their whole family because Bella has made poor choices in life. 

"Oh sure that makes sense. Is Matty okay now?" Charlie added. 

"Yeah he's okay he's settled but we didn't want to take any chances." Jacob replied this time going along with the story. Also it wasn't like either of them were lying this had happened and the pair did want to reassure Matthew that both caregivers were going to be in his life for as long as possible. 

After successfully finishing the conversation with her father, Veronica was able to pull Jacob up the stairs and in the direction of her room. A final peak in on the toddler convinced the two caregivers that he was settled and asleep, before they entered the room. Veronica flopped on the bed immediately falling almost directly in the middle of it. She stared directly at the ceiling for a while whilst she heard Jacob faff around in the room. 

"Budge over buttercup." He spoke as he nudged her foot with his own.

"Make me." She retorted.

"You don't want to do that Veronica Jane." 

"Dont I Jacob Ephraim?" Her tone was cheeky as she sat up now so that she could now see him clearly as she sent him a wink. He leant forwards and collided their lips in a heated kiss. Threading her hands through his short hair she pulled him closer realising this could be one of their last kisses. Each of them savoured the moment until air became an actual necessity and therefore Veronica took the choice to pull back slightly to catch her breath. Now was the perfect time to say those three words. Just so she would never regret not saying them. 

"I love you Jacob Ephraim Black." Veronica tried to pour as much emotion in as possible into those six words. She sat for a moment in silence fearing she had said words which were not reciprocated. Jacob continued to stare at her, just stare. 

"Really?" His voice was quiet the quietest she had heard it in years. "Really."

"I love you so much. I have loved you for years first as a best friend and now as my life partner." Veronica clarified hoping that she may just be able to prove it through words. As she continued to wait for any sign of his reaction she decided not to look down at her hands but rather at him. Not to stare him out no, but to watch carefully just incase she had overstepped something. And she thought she had, for Jacob's response to her latest statement was for his dark stormy eyes to begin to gather tears, tears of which fell down his face and lead her to believe that she had spoken wrong. 

"You don't have to say anything back, I won't force you to. I just want you to know before the morning that I love you and I'll be waiting on your return." Her voice had raised an octave in panic that she had overstepped the boundary. Though she was sent into a spiral of confusion for Jacob lent forward and connected their lips once again. 

"You'd never force me Veronica I love you so much." Jacob finally spoke 

"But you, you were crying." Veronica tried to state.

"These were happy tears Babe. I love you." He repeated as to convince her after the heightened emotions the previous couple minutes had brought upon them. 

The life and lies of Matty and I - J.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now