A modern day love story and a restaurant

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A fortnight had passed since Veronica had truly learnt of the secrets going on at the Reservation down the road. A fortnight in which she found herself questioning everything around her. The world of which she lived in seemed so silly compared to what it was before she had found out. Knowing that what she was experiencing was the stuff of fiction, things of which only happened in the books she read of the teen tv shows she was watching. Not in real life, not in Veronica's life. The life where she thought the most complicated thing was juggling the relationship she had with her older sister. But that all felt stupid when it came to realising just what was in the world around her. She had remained freaking out since this had occurred, slowly trying to wrap her head around everything but falling flat. 

Coming to understand the wolf shifters was slightly easier. Veronica had after all been attending the bonfires of which the legend had been told for many years. And therefore, accepting the legend as being reality was something she had slowly brought herself to. And as she tried to kid herself that everything was okay, she found herself spending more time around the group of teenaged boys. Boys of which had barely changed since they had unlocked these 'gifts'. And as Embry and Jake continued to act like everything was normal so did she. Rather choosing to accept that they had yet to pose any more threat or harm to her and her son like they had that very first time. Instead it would be Bella who posed more of a threat as the older girl entered another search for the ultimate adrenaline rush. 

It was coming to the understanding that Vampires were real which was the hardest. That the Vampires had been around the area for a while, had gone to school with her. Accepting that the Cullen family were not a weird freaky cult like she had initially thought but were a coven of Vampires was challenging. After all, they hadn't at first screamed blood sucking vampire to the girl. But the more she thought on it the more it became obvious. The family hikes on sunny days, the way the 'kids' seemed way older than everyone else around them. Yet they had all accepted her older sister with open arms. Allowed her a seemingly very human teenaged girl into their lives. Bella had been dating a Vampire and never thought to say anything. Had allowed someone who drank blood into their house, had spent every second around him. It was dangerous but she supposed it was also hypocritical of her to think in that manner considering she still allowed Jake into the house, around her son. But she could have sworn to everyone that what was going on between her and Jacob was so different in comparison to what had been going on between Bella and Edward. 

A knock on the front door would bring Veronica away from the thoughts that continued to march around her brain. It was a pointless knock considering the door was opened almost immediately afterwards. Veronica took her eyes away from where they had been watching Matthew play to lock eyes with Jacob standing in the kitchen. Jake's toothy grin was clearly on display the moment they had locked eyes and with his large steps he had made it into the living room and sat on the couch next to her. He remained properly seating for just a little longer before laying himself down, coming to rest his head upon her lap and throwing his legs off the end of the couch being too tall to fit within the length of the piece of furniture. The pair drew their eyes back to where Matthew was as he attempted to colour and Veronica set her hands to gently card through Jake's now significantly shorter hair. As the only sound in the room came from the Tv in the corner. 

"Vero, what if I told you there was something else about the wolves." Jacob's voice would break the silence nearly an hour later and Veronica found herself turning her eyes to look down at him. 

"I'd say spit it out pretty boy. I'm prepared for anything now." Veronica's words were cocky and filled with fake confidence. 

"That's cute. But I'm being serious. The wolves do this thing called imprinting. Which is where we find our other halves, soulmates I've been lead to believe." Veronica felt her own heart ache at his words, this didn't sound like a conversation she was going to like. What would happen to her if he had found someone else. She couldn't imagine her life without him in it. 

The life and lies of Matty and I - J.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now