A sulking and a new word

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Nobody in the Swan Household could have truly prepared themselves for the aftermath of the Cullen family leaving Forks. Nobody would have known such an impact one seemingly mostly ordinary would have. Yet here they were seeing such drastic reactions. For the loss of a family one household member had only known for a matter of months. Yet the amount of time she had known them did not matter in the long-term because the loss of having the family near by and accessible caused enough heartbreak that it was clear just how much they had meant. Just how much they had impacted the teenaged girl in such a short period of time. The reaction Bella had to the leaving of the family was enough to cause extreme worry for the other members of the household. For it was not the usual reaction to people you know and love moving a few hours away. This reaction was akin to a permeant loss. Bella was grieving the life she lived with the family. That much was clear, but there was also something else going on in the background. For this reaction also included constant night terrors and the lack of a will to do anything. Bella had entered a deep depression following that night in the woods, and it was enough to concern those who lived with her. 

Charlie was very concerned about his eldest daughter, but at a standstill on what he could do to help. He had tried to get her to speak to him, to her sister, to a friend, a family friend anybody really. But Bella had frozen up, continued to sit in one position staring outside the window into the forest before them, completely unwilling to engage. He had then tried to get a professional in to help, but Bella's reaction to a professional was even worse than that to people she knew, and therefore the decision was made to try later again when she might be more agreeable to the idea of talking to someone. The thought had crossed his mind that perhaps she needed medication to help in the short term just until she learnt to accept what had happened so they could start to help her to move forward. But Bella had also been against that idea, and she was 18 now and could make those decisions for herself. Even if they were against what would be best for her. The only option Charlie had left would be removing Bella from the environment she had found herself stuck in. Away from everything which reminded her of the Cullen family, of Edward. Yet he couldn't find it in his heart to send his daughter away, not after he had finally got her back in his life. For he knew if he did indeed send her back to live with Renee he would never hear from Bella again, and she would never have the chance to chose whether she wanted to be in her son's life. SO he sat on the fence of what to do next, and with each week that passed in which he had chosen to test the waters and see if things got better naturally without his influence he was also aware of what impacts it was having on the rest of the household. 

Veronica wanted to feel sympathy for her sister. She truly did, the way of which Bella was broken up with and then left in the woods to either find her way home or perish was vile. It was brutal and not what she would have wanted for anyone. Nobody deserved to be treated like that no matter what they had done in the past. And she truly did feel sympathy towards Bella and wanted to help her get better. That was for the first few weeks, before the impact of Bella's health started to have a knock on effect upon herself, upon her baby. Veronica had spent time sitting with Bella, trying to distract her mind from where it was stuck, trying to remind her of a better peaceful time, that her future would still progress still be everything she wanted it to be without Edward by her side. Yet Bella would not reciprocate Veronica's aid well, and would often lose her temper when Veronica mentioned Edward. Something that after the first few times Veronica should have really learnt not to broach. But she never did admit to being the most intelligent or particularly able to read the room. And eventually the sympathy faded away, she still felt bad for Bella for how bad this was obviously affecting her, but the sympathy was gone the moment it began to heavily impact Matthew. Bella's night terrors did not show any signs of improving rather only getting worse, as they would go on for longer and would occur more frequently during the night. Each time the older girl would wake up screaming and sometimes would shout out and loudly cry during her sleep. Actions all of which would wake the rest  of the household, and unlike Bella and the other grown ups in the house, Matthew was the only one who would struggle to return to the land of sleep once it was all finished. No matter how much rocking, how much coddling he was given Matthew struggled to sleep again, and it would take up to an hour each time to settle him back to sleep. Only for him to be woken again a few hours later. 

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