The wedding and the suspicion

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The following two days from the rehearsal dinner passed much quicker than anyone in the Swan household could have expected. For waking up that Saturday morning it suddenly drew upon them all the significance of the day. Isabella Swan was getting married today. The one person nobody expected to settle down so fast was getting married. Veronica was saddened knowing she played little to no significant role in her sisters wedding. She was not invited to be on the bridal party the bridesmaids positions going to the Cullen sisters, she was just invited out of curtesy. It sucked but she supposed that was what she supposed to expect from her older sister. Her sister was just lucky that the Cullens hadn't worked out the little situation going on. 

Thinking of the little situation going on behind the scenes Veronica was confused. Weren't vampires supposed to have super hearing. Couldn't they hear the extra heartbeat when Bella was around? If she was about 3 months along, like the had hypothesised her to roughly be, then wouldn't the heartbeat be able to be heard? It should be faster than her own as a developing foetus has a heart rate around 140-160 beats per minute. How had they not worked it out, like it made no sense. Edward was also a mind reader according to Bella and supported but the pack, which was creepy as anything, but shouldn't he have accidentally overheard one of their thoughts regarding this. The more she pondered about it the more she found herself sitting down to process these thoughts. 

That was where Jacob found her when he came to check on whether she was ready or not. Sat on the edge of her bed staring at a spot on the wall lost in her own mind. She was dressed and ready all par the pair of shoes she was going to wear to the event. He approached her slowly trying to work out why she seemed so spaced out. 

"Vero?" He started small and quiet loosing the normal boisterous and loud voice he used with almost anyone else. 

"Oh Jake, hey come." She replied patting the bed next to her. He took the spot next to her wondering what was going through her head. 

"What's got you all spaced Buttercup?" He posed the question.

"I just got hooked in my own thoughts, you know after the rehearsal dinner. With what Edward said it got me pondering how they just don't know. Or haven't worked it out, surely they might have noticed some like physical changes if nothing else, but isn't there a second heartbeat?" Veronica spurted out and Jacob looked at her in bewilderment, he wasn't quite expecting that. Though he hastily responded probably as eager as she was to talk about the subject. He had been wanting to talk about it ever since he had overheard the two Swan's in the kitchen and with the events of the last 48 hours he too had even more questions. 

"I mean yesterday in that room I couldn't overly hear anything other than normal but that could have been because there was quite a few of us in the room and I'm overly tuned into you and Matthew. Physically I don't know would she be showing anytime soon?" Jacob asked not really knowing the ins and outs of pregnancy, not really much more than the basics they had been taught as part of sex education. 

"I think you start to show more around 16 weeks which is what a month away?" Veronica responded before having an additional thought "Though this would be her second child so I don't know if that'll affect things." Her hands once again making their way to fix his tie. She knew now that he was doing this on purpose. 

"Do you reckon the leech will accept it as his own?" Jacob broke the silence which had settled over the pair as she worked on his tie and shirt collar.

"I don't know, maybe she could spin something I'm just not sure. If not you ready to be a father of two?" Veronica replied her question had a joking element to it but they both knew that if it was the case that Bella did not want to raise this child that Veronica could step in once again to do so. 

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