A Flurry of a Goodbye and an abandonment

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The relationship between the two sisters only continued to strain as time passed. And as the weeks bled into one another, no matter what Veronica tried she felt as though she only continued to hit a brick wall when it came to her older sister. The two sisters seemed completely unable to gel with one another. Their raging differences only became more and more evident and the lack of ability to relate to one another only continued to make it worse. And Veronica was slowly coming to terms that she would most likely only have to live with her sister for another complete year, until the older girl finished high school and headed off to college. A year which was going to be incredibly difficult but a year nevertheless. Bella had become unable to grow any form of relationship with a person who was not Edward Cullen. And for a while Veronica, and her father, had assumed that it was only like this because the two teenagers were in the throws of a new relationship. Yet as time continued to pass this was once again another thing which was proven otherwise. And it was not like Veronica knew her sister incredibly well, ever really, before she met Edward and therefore could not tell if the older girl had truly lost herself to this relationship. But she felt as though Bella had lost herself, even the little bit that Veronica did know. The pair remained inseparable even now as Veronica heard the scrawny boy climb his way into the attic bedroom, that Bella had eventually won when Veronica had enough of the constant arguments regarding the room, late at night when he assumed that everyone else was asleep. Edward was not very careful about climbing through the window of the topmost room often kicking panels of the house by accident on his way up. 

And as Edward stayed at the forefront of the older sister's mind, the little boy slipped further and further to the back. Matthew continued to be left behind in his birth mother's life having to focus more and more on those around him to step in and support him. Charlie had continued to support the baby as though he was his grandfather, a incredibly involved grandfather but that was all. That was all Charlie provided as he continued on with the naive thought that one day Bella would have an epiphany and return to her son's life ready to be the mother she should have been from the beginning. Veronica could no longer just play an overly supportive aunt. The rose coloured lenses had been ripped from her face the more and more she argued with her older sister. When Bella had last blown up at them both blaming Charlie for her not being involved in Matthew's life, Veronica had lost any hope that her older sister would ever want anything to do with her birth son. And therefore, Matthew seemed to no longer have any parental figure. She blamed it on her own Hero Complex, but Veronica found herself stepping out of the aunt role and into the mother role. Wanting Matthew to have one parent who loved him unconditionally just like she had. Because she had learnt that she did not need both parents not when she had her dad, and therefore, in the back of her mind she gathered that at least if Matthew had her then he too could lead a decent life. 

She was willing to fool herself as much as it took in order to get through whatever life threw at them from now on. Fool herself into thinking that she was ready to step up into this role. That she was able to care for a baby when she knew little to nothing about caring for one, when she could barely care for herself. But she had come to the horrible realisation that if she didn't do it, nobody else seemed bothered. Her dad tried but it wasn't enough. Her dad struggled to look after Matthew whilst he was still trying to do something about Bella, of which he still remained incredibly unable to do anything about. And continued to run around and around in circles. Renee hadn't contacted much since Bella and Matthew had moved to Forks a few months prior, so she would not be someone who would be able to lend a hand. And that left Veronica. 

With Bella preoccupied with Edward and the entire Cullen family, Veronica had to start outsourcing her support. She found herself incapable of turning to her older sister for help, even when it did not involve Matthew. Bella was no help for even the small things, whether it be helping her pick an outfit for an important event or help out with school work when it was difficult. And with her dad caught up with the increased dangerous animal activity in the area, increased overall case load at work and attempting to get legal documents sorted for Matthew, she could not ask for his help either. And therefore, Veronica turned to the one other place she often found solace in. The Reservation just 10 minutes down the road housed a community which had been very welcoming to her for many years now. And therefore, upon mentioning she had been struggling with a few areas of school, they had been able to provide her with not one but two people who would be able to tutor her. Something that she had been unable to find at her own school, that her friends on the Softball team had been unable to offer. Leah Clearwater was the first person to have offered help by being a tutor. She was a few years older than Veronica at 19, and doing an English course via distant learning at one of the Seattle colleges, and therefore had been more than happy to help the girl out with her high school class work. Leah had used it as a distraction from her crumbling relationship and social life and Veronica had been happy for both the help and the gossip. Feathers had been ruffled when the other tutor came forward, Emily Young was someone that Veronica did not know well personally, but she knew well through rumours. Emily had only recently moved to the Reservation about 9 months prior but she had an eventful 9 months, having found herself a boyfriend been attacked by a bear and survived and having brought herself a rather nice little two bed cabin house. And with her two new tutor's Veronica finally found herself actually passing most classes. 

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