The new term and another disappearance

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Veronica should have known that despite what her father had said to her in regards to Bella's behaviour that he would take everything back almost instantly the second he received a phone call from her. It was not a new idea that her father was a push over, especially when it came to either of his daughters but in particular his eldest. Therefore, when he took his words back and her back into his house, Veronica was not surprised. She gathered all it had taken was Bella informing their father that she had ended up in the hospital on the way back to Pheonix and bat her eyes a couple of times and it was all as though she had never said anything to Charlie in the first place. Like she had never made him cry. Veronica pondered if he was still under the false hope that he could save her from herself and make her better. They would all suffer from Charlie's saviour complex. Including Bella herself. 

Veronica had very complex feelings about her sisters return, just like she had complex feelings regarding Bella taking off. At first she had been upset with the idea of her sister just running off and away from her problems and dumping them all on everyone else left behind. But in the less than 72 hours Bella had been gone, Veronica found herself almost happy it had happened. The atmosphere within the house was more serene than it had been in the last few weeks and the routine without Bella there was almost the same as it had been before she left. Evidence of how little the older girl was involved with the rest of her family. Therefore, when their dad had called from a hospital in Pheonix with news that both he and Bella would be returning within the next 24 hours, Veronica hoped that she wasn't over reacting in regards to being upset about her sisters return. Their relationship was fractured with no clear evidence that they could or would ever repair it. She had enjoyed the time without her sister around, and simply just did not want her to come back. But she would have to suck it up, considering her sister and father would be home shortly and their lives would revert to how they were prior to her leaving. Everyone walking on egg shells around Bella in order to keep her happy. 

Veronica would be lucky that they only had a few more weeks of school left before the summer vacation started. Was that she no longer would have to deal with the constant lingering of the other students around her. The lingering which did not stop when it came to her own friendship group, the girls on the team had become very much invested in Matthew, but to those who often surrounded Bella. Veronica was frustrated with the constant looks she received from the Cullen family, she was unsure what exactly they were attempting to do, but she knew she had become quite freaked out. The constant looks, the subtle comments the family made when she was in ear shot, whatever it was for it was unnerving and Veronica could only assume was part of their plan. Their plan to prevent her from poking about in their business and their relationship with her elder sister. Enough to make Veronica more than uneasy about the whole family. And more concerned for her older sister, even if she knew there was no chance that Bella would ever listen to her. 

Prom had come and gone at a much faster rate than anyone had expected. Veronica had gone with most of the softball team, the group having foregone dates this time around to spend time together as a team bonding exercise. And therefore, her photos taken with her 'date' prior to the beginning of prom had been taken of her and Matthew. The little boy who was not quite one year old dressed up in a little suit with a matching coloured shirt to the dress she wore. Because, it was not like Bella would want to take any photos with the infant. 

And the summer vacation had also passed incredibly quickly that year. Between time spent with Matthew working on his mobility, his speech and his other skills and then doing a small local softball camp Veronica found herself barely having time to just do nothing. And therefore, when the new school year began to approach she chose not to bother focusing on her elder sister and her strange relationship with the Cullen boy, the incredible co-dependent relationship, but instead she chose this time around to focus on herself. Focus on the infant she had become the mother figure to and to whatever life threw at the pair of them. Not whatever her elder sister chose to do with her time. Because it was pointless, Bella was pointless.s 

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