7: Work hours

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"Major y/n you need to stop going into random people's rooms." Leithan said, nagging the child who shrugged while looking through piles of old and new documents on the table.

Milena meekly smiled as she helped the child through the pile of documents.

"What if someone wanted to do something bad to you when you accidentally walked right inside their room??" Leithan said, exasperating his words slightly.

"And you also went inside another officer room that's close to your age!" He continued before ending with, "what if that officer didn't like you barging into her room!? You might get a bad report coming from her!"

"I don't really mind going inside Tanya's room." Y/n hummed while opening a folder.

"Eh..? You went inside Major Degurechaff's sleeping quarter..?" Milena perked up.

"It's 'Major Degurechaff', Major y/n!" Leithan huffed.

Y/n shrugged before saying, "I can call her by her first name, and she can call my first name. Nobody else is allowed to call us by our first names if we want them to."

Leithan gritted his teeth for a second before sighing back down to calm himself.

"Major, please... I'm just looking out for you..." He said, frowning as he stared down on the floor.

Y/n shrugged again with the knocking coming from the door.

Milena quickly rushed over to open it.

It was Tanya.

"Y/n, do you have the documents of this newly recruited mage..?" She said while making her way over to y/n without pause or hesitation.

Y/n raise a brow and took a look at the file.

"Yeah, somewhere in the pile." She said.

Tanya perked up, squinting her eyes for a second as she stared at the pile on the table.

"Are you kidding me, y/n?" She sighed.

Y/n shrugged before taking the top folder and paper.

"I think it's this one, matches the picture and description." She said.

Tanya took the folder and paper.

"Well, you impress me I suppose." She commented while looking through the paper.

Y/n smiled while calmly taking Tanya's unoccupied empty hand in both her hands.

"You're pretty busy for an officer aren't you?" She hummed while pressing on the ends of Tanya's finger, over her wrist, and to her thumb.

Tanya huffed before saying, "there was a problem when I didn't decide to lead because first luitenant Weiss made a mistake I had to pay for."

Y/n raised a brow while entwining her hand on Tanya's.

"Let me guess, you thought sending him was going to be ok because his rank is first luitenant??" She snickered.

Tanya meekly smiled.

"Perhaps so..." She mumbled before placing the folder down.

Y/n chuckled with a smirk.


"They've gotten so well with each other now..." Milena whispered.

Leithan raised a brow before whispering, "what are you talking about??"

Milena sighed before whispering, "just yesterday, they had a fight and they both ended up badly hurt. They seemed to be really cussing on each other when they met..."

Leithan hummed.

"They don't seem to hate each other, they seem more like friends than enemies..." He whispered.


"You gotta be kidding me, the supposed commanding officer over this guy promoted him immediately to second luitenant." Tanya scoffed.

Y/n raised a brow before saying, "they probably paid him to get himself promoted quickly. I mean if you're in second luitenant you'd be so dead on the war zone if you don't know how to defend yourself."

Tanya paused and glanced over to y/n. She stared at her before smirking and glancing back over to the pile, searching for another work need.

"What was that look for??" Y/n snickered.

Tanya chuckled before saying, "you're playing with my hand, what do you expect me to do? Hit you?"

"You're gonna hit a kid who's playing with your hand?" Y/n teased while taking a step close beside Tanya.

Resting her chin on Tanya's shoulder, she watched as her hand squeezed her hold for a quick second.

"You're gonna make me think someone who's in their centuries of twenties is a kid?" Tanya scoffed.


"What are they talking about?" Milena whispered.

Leithan sighed, smiling before whispering back, "I don't know, but I think they're flirting probably??"


Y/n hummed before saying, "why not? You're pretty eggheaded for an old sore loser."

"You have an immature brain." Tanya commented.

In turn, she got a flick on her nose when y/n frowned at her.

"What the hell was that for!?" She yelled.

Y/n huffed before she said, "my brain's not that immature, stupid!"

"Stupid..!? Oh, shut up! You're the one who can act stupid!" Tanya said.

Y/n furrowed her brows before saying, "you expect me to not call you stupid when you clearly acted like an asshole on me??"

"I never acted like an asshole to you!" Tanya was shocked.


"W-What are they saying now..?" Milena whispered, a little frightened when the room suddenly changed.

Leithan frowned.

"Uhh... Bad stuff..? At each other??" He whispered back.

"Bad stuff??" Milena whispered.


"I swear I'm kicking your sorry ass again if you stop being an asshole right now!" Y/n  said.

Tanya scoffed in shock before she said, "I'm never an asshole to you! I never even acted like an asshole to you!"

"Say that to my shoulder! You bit me remember!?" Y/n yelled.

"You bit me first, you damn moron!!" Tanya countered back.

Y/n growled before glancing over to Leithan and Milena who both flinched and stared at her in complete attendance for anything.

"You two! Get the hell out!!" She said, pointing a finger at the two who quickly booked it out of there without hesitation.

"Oh, now you're wanting to make this a private argument, huh?" Tanya huffed.

Y/n growled before saying, "because I told you first luitenant Leithan can understand Japanese, stupid!"

Tanya frowned.

"Stop calling me a stupid, y/n." She said.

"And stop calling me names!" Y/n yelled.

Tanya x Female!Reader (youjo senki/ the saga of Tanya the evil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now