9: Team work makes the dream worse

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Tanya ran one of her hands up, clutching one of y/n's arms before she parted to take a breather.

"Hmm... You're a pretty good kisser." Y/n said while wiping her face.

Tanya smirked.

"Wow... For someone your age and mental age, you're impressed..?" She scoffed.

Y/n smirked while saying, "and you're also a kid, what difference does that make??"

"A lot." Tanya huffed.

Y/n huffed, patting Tanya's back before she took her hold off of her.

"I'm pretty satisfied with the amusement you gave me, you can leave." She said.

Tanya rolled her eyes before crossing her arms and saying, "you know you enjoyed that..."

"Why not? You led, not me. Pretty sure I'd be a little bored if I led it instead." Y/n shrugged before a knock made them both flinch.

"Major y/n?"

It was Milena.

"Major y/n, are you in there?" She said.

Y/n sighed in relief before she said, "yeah? Why??"

There was a moment of silence before Milena said, "Major y/n your presence and Major Tanya's presence are requested by colonel Zettour."

Tanya and y/n exchanged curious glances before y/n said, "yeah, sure, we'll be there shortly after we finish something real quick."

"Understood, Major."

And with that, Milena left.

"Finish what quickly??" Tanya whispered.

"This." Y/n said, grinning before she pulled Tanya and dug on her neck.

Tanya felt a weird feeling run up her spine when she felt what seemed to have been a tongue on her neck.

"W-What the hell did you do!?" She whispered.

Y/n shrugged before she said, "nothing much, I just wanted to confirm a little something that's all."

'Confirm what!?' Tanya thought before she said, "what??"

"Just ignore that and let's go, the Colonel might probably get tired of waiting." Y/n sighed while opening the door.


"You two are working together."

Tanya's eyes widened, y/n's eyes widened, they were in shock.

"W... We're working together..?" Y/n muttered while pointing a finger towards Tanya.

Tanya mentally gulped as she slowly narrowed her eyes over to y/n.

Zettour nodded eagerly. It would even seem like he wanted the two to work because of how they fight.

"You two will work together starting today, from office works to war works." He said.

Y/n felt her whole world crumble in front of her own eyes. Her nightmare was actually true, at first she had thought what was spoken to her of working with Tanya was a sly joke, but now..? It was no longer funny for her anymore.


"We work together starting today, huh..." Y/n pondered while staring blankly at Tanya.

Tanya x Female!Reader (youjo senki/ the saga of Tanya the evil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now