25: Lunch

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"Here, Major." Visha said while handing the cup of coffee towards her young superior.

Tanya nodded, giving her gratitude while holding the cup.

Visha smiled.

"Ah, right... Luitenant have you--"

"It's alright, Major, I've already sent it over." Visha answered without a second to lose.

Tanya smiled. She was very pleased.

"I see..." She said.

"But... Major, can I ask you something?" Visha pondered.

Tanya nodded.

"Major, where did Major y/n go?" She asked.

"Oh, Major y/n is in a mission. A request for aid was called and she decided to do it." Tanya said, before taking in the aroma of the coffee.

"She left just two days ago with her men." She continued before savoring a taste of the coffee.

No sugar? Lovely.

"Now that I think of it, I heard first luitenant Weiss needed to ask you for help." She pondered.

"Oh, well, I should go and help him then?" Visha said.

"Please do... He seemed troubled when he went inside here looking for you, even went as far as asking me for a favor when I see you." Tanya chuckled.


"Oh... Tanya's an orphan like me but her life was worse?" Y/n said.

Zettour nodded.

"May I ask if your fight went well?" Maxiliam wondered.

"Oh, it went great! You should've seen how those guys just started screaming when I fired a warning shot, seriously, I'm confused why they suddenly screamed when I missed on purpose. The others with weapons even went as far as to shoot back." Y/n said.

Maxiliam smiled. He was a little uneasy for a child like her would be speaking like that, a regular sadist at a young age as they say.

"Hm... Now that I think of it, why did Tanya join??" Y/n wondered.

"We don't know much really, all she had said in the interview is she had nowhere else to go than to the battlefield. She had a remarkable altitude so there was no reason to decline someone that strong." Zettour said.

"Have you ever gone to her orphanage before, Colonel Zettour?" Y/n wondered.

"No, no I haven't, Major y/n." He said.

Y/n smiled.

"How did you end up being a Colonel, Colonel Zettour??" She asked.

"The war was harsh to say, but I did my best and worked hard enough to earn this rank." Zettour said.

"Cool!" Y/n chimed.

Zettour smiled.

"Did you like, do a killing spree when you were just a regular soldier like general Maxiliam??" Y/n said.

"Maxiliam was first before me so I don't know too much, and I didn't do a killing spree, I just perhaps killed enough and my brain gave enough knowledge for them to promote me." Zettour said.

Y/n smiled in awe.

"You two are like... Super close friends, right??" She said.

The two mentally perked up.

'Close friends..?' they both wondered in unison.

"Yes, we are, but we make sure we don't put our friendship too much on our work." Maxiliam said.

Y/n smiled.

"So me and Tanya are like you? We're close friends too!" She said.

Maxiliam hummed.

"That's good to hear that you two are getting along well." He said.

"Although, she's a little hasty and jumpy when I'm around." Y/n said.

"Oh? Why's that?" Zettour chimed.

"Sometimes, when there's free time, I'd invite Tanya to play a game with me." Y/n said before continuing with, "I heard she's never played games when she was in the orphanage so I thought I'd teach her some."

'Teaching Degurechaff about games..? How kind.' Maxiliam thought before he said, "and how has it been with your invites? You don't invite her when you two are inside the building or when she's busy, right?"

"I only invite her for games when free time is available, honestly, she's pretty frightful to begin with. She's always jumpy with everything I do and say." Y/n said.

'Degurechaff is easily frightened? How unknown for...' Zettour thought before Maxiliam said, "what do you mean Degurechaff is frightful, Major y/n?"

Y/n smiled as she said, "oh, you know how someone would get scared easily when an enemy throws a pulled grenade at you and you need to be fast to throw it back? Yeah, something like that."

"She's more like scared of a lot of things when I've been examining her and looking at her, such a coward for love really." Y/n continued.

"L... Love?" Both superior men spoke in unison.

Y/n nodded with a smile.

"I tested the theory a bunch of times and it was true that she was scared of love." She said before continuing with, "oh, I should get going too, I kind of told Tanya I'd get back as soon as I can when I'm done with the mission. Here I am putting some time with lunch together with you two, too bad Colonel Lerhgen couldn't make it here."

"Of course, have a great day, Major y/n." Zettour said as he watched y/n wave a hand and walk out of the restaurant shuffling her coat on.

"I never knew Degurechaff was ever like that." Maxiliam pondered.

"They're both still children, general... It should be normal for them to feel scared of things, even if it's love." Zettour said, chuckling as he fixed his uniform upright.


"Tanya!" Y/n wasted no time and jumped at Tanya who flinched and took a step back almost tripping backward.

"What the hell, y/n!?" Tanya growled while clutching y/n from falling.

Y/n wrapped herself around Tanya while smiling as she said, "what?? You told me to come back as soon as I finished my mission, y'now!"

Tanya frowned.

"Y... Yes, I did say that." She grumbled.

"That doesn't mean I told you to jump at me!" She continued before dropping y/n to the floor with a thump.

Y/n only laughed as she said, "ouch??"

Her sarcasm was at point.

Hopping back up to her feet, she placed her hands on Tanya's shoulders while smirking as she said, "hey, hey, hey, what did you do while I was gone?? Did you miss me while I even was gone??"

"Y/n, stop it." Tanya sighed.

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